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Saturday, November 12, 2016


     President elect Donald Trump has made promises to the American people to "Make America great again." Im going to list some of those promises/pledges here, and will revisit these from time to time to see where we are with his promises.

1. Increase the size of the U.S. military by these amounts: the Army to 540,000 active duty soldiers, which the Army Chief of Staff says he needs to execute current missions. Rebuild the U.S. Navy toward a goal of 350 ships, as the bipartisan National Defense Panel has recommended. Provide the U.S. Air Force with the 1,200 fighter aircraft they need. Grow the U.S. Marine Corps to 36 battalions. (I would be interested to hear how hes going to do this, what with recruiting and all....)

2. Pay for this necessary rebuilding of our national defense by conducting a full audit of the Pentagon, eliminating incorrect payments, reducing duplicative bureaucracy, collecting unpaid taxes, and ending unwanted and unauthorized federal programs.

3. Create a dynamic booming economy that will create 25 million new jobs over the next decade. (seems like he may be taking credit for others work on this one)

4. Tell NAFTA partners that we intend to immediately renegotiate the terms of that agreement to get a better deal for our workers. If they don’t agree to a renegotiation, we will submit notice that the U.S. intends to withdraw from the deal. 
5. Use every lawful presidential power to remedy trade disputes if China does not stop its illegal activities, including its theft of American trade secrets - including the application of tariffs 
6. Transform America’s crumbling infrastructure into a golden opportunity for accelerated economic growth and more rapid productivity gains with a deficit-neutral plan targeting substantial new infrastructure investments.

7. Create thousands of new jobs in construction, steel manufacturing, and other sectors to build the transportation, water, telecommunications and energy infrastructure needed to enable new economic development in the U.S., all of which will generate new tax revenues.

8. Repeal and replace Obamacare with Health Savings Accounts (HSAs).

9. Begin working on an impenetrable physical wall on the southern border, on day one. Mexico will pay for the wall.
10. We’re going to save the coal industry (I couldnt find a lot about Coal on the campaign website, this was from a link to his 100 day plan, I would ask, what defines "saving the coal industry?" Right now there are according to the WV coal association 12,000 coal miners employed in WV today. According to the WV office of mine safety there was 15,000 miners at work in 2015 and about 20,000 in 2010, and about 28,000 back in 1990. So, what does he mean by "saving the coal industry?" Nationally in 1985 coal employeed 177,000 people, in 2008 it was 86,000 and today its 56,000).

11. propose a Constitutional Amendment to impose term limits on all members of Congress; (Its been reported that Senate Majority leader McConnell isnt on board with this one, think he's worried about his job?)
12. lift the Obama-Clinton roadblocks and allow vital energy infrastructure projects, like the Keystone Pipeline, to move forward (The blind squirrel found the nut, I agree with this one
13. begin removing the more than 2 million criminal illegal immigrants from the country and cancel visas to foreign countries that won't take them back
14. Through his tax plan he will grow the US economy by 4% a year.

Those are 14 of his goals/promises/plans that he has made, with an emphasis on jobs/the economy, since thats why people say they voted for him. There are many more pledges/goals that he has set, just check out his website. Part of this he considers his pledge to America. I'll check back in from time to time to report on how he is doing with his pledge/goals.

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