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Saturday, November 5, 2016


     According to the late, great, Senator Robert C. Byrd, there used to be an election season in politics, and a governing season. I've never known such a time it seems, as a teenager I can remember the political witch hunt that was the Bill Clinton impeachment. There is the more recent baseless persecution that President Obama was not born in our country, and therefore not eligible to be our President, led by non-other than the current Republican candidate for President, Donald Trump. Now, Republicans in the US Congress are saying they will continue investigating Hilliary Clinton for anything they can find, should she be elected President. Representative Michael McCaul of Texas says they will continue investigations of emails, whether Clinton wins or not and is talking about possible impeachment. Representative Robert Goodlatte of Virginia is all for continuing the investigation, as is Representative Jason Chaffetz of Utah. Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin seems to favor the investigation and possible impeachment of Hillary Clinton. As does Representative Louie Gohmert of Texas. Check my sources below, if I've misrepresented their stances, let me know. If I have, I'll retract my statement.

     Representative Evan Jenkins of WV's third district, my district, seems keen to continue the investigation, but did not speak about the impeachment process in his statement, see the link below.

    Folks, at some point we have to put the rhetoric away and start working together in government. The citizens of our great country do every day. Republican and Democrats work side by side to accomplish tasks pertinent to our jobs, our churches, etc. etc. Republicans and Democrats live together, drive side by side on the roads with civility, why can't our representatives in the government? Remember on November 8th, 2016. America needs to move forward together, with a government that works to continue to build up the middle class, to fix our roads and bridges, to stimulate the economy and so much more. This sort of divisive talk does no one any good.

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