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Wednesday, November 2, 2016


     Since the 2000 election Republicans have been red, and Democrats have been blue on the election night electoral college map. Those were the colors to choose from, no others, because no other party besides the Republicans or Democrats had won any states electoral votes in a long time, 1968. This election cycle offers the voters of our nation, Utah in particular, a big opportunity.  In the latest Rasmussen poll in Utah, McMullin is running INSIDE the margin of error, Trump 32%, Clinton 24% and McMullin 29% with a plus or minus four margin. So listen up Utah Republicans, heres my pitch for Evan McMullin.....1. Hes anti-abortion 2. Hes a former CIA agent. 3. Hes for repealing Obamacare 4. Hes for gun owners rights 5. Hes been running for President, and as far as I know, hes yet to insult anyone or assault a woman. 6. He graduated from BYU 7. He was a Mormon missionary in Brazil 8. He worked for the U.N. in Jordan. 9. He works for the U.S. House of Representatives Republican conference.

     Now, for the rest of the "Never Trump" crowd. If you want to vote for Hillary Clinton in Utah, I appreciate that, I really do, but shes polling third right now so your vote wont count for as much as it could. Put your vote behind Evan McMullin and keep Utah's 6 electoral votes out of Donald Trumps hands. You'll be glad you did. Evan McMullin is on the ballot in several other states, but he is only competitive in Utah. Thats why this advice for my fellow "Never Trump" voters is for Utah voters only.

     I'm really interested to see what color they would designate for Evan McMullins should he win. I think the most likely color would be white, with green coming in second. So go ahead Utah voters, satisfy our curiosity, ELECT EVAN MCMULLIN FOR U.S. PRESIDENT IN UTAH!

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