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Tuesday, October 25, 2016


US House, WV third district candidates:

Matt Detch, Democrat

1. Matt has a bachelors in criminology from Missouri state university and a MASTERS DEGREE IN INTERNATIONAL CRIMINOLOGY from the university of Greenwich in London, England. Seems pretty handy, hopefully he can put that to good use in congress. 2. He worked for the secret service under Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama. 3. He manages the local Irish Pub in Lewisburg WV (thats how I know him), so he has small buisness expierence, and knows how to help other WV small buisness's 4. I have personally met Matt several times and can tell you he is a good guy, and seems to me to hold moderate views. Meaning, he wont give up on coal, but realizes WV has to diversify to survive. 5. He is endorsed by the Mountain Party. 6. He's against the TPP. 7. Hes against big money taking over politics.

Evan Jenkins, Incumbent Republican

1. Voted against helping Puerto Rico in their time of economic crisis, 2. voted against prohibiting government contractors from discriminiation, 3. VOTED AGAINST REGULATION OF INTERNET ACCESS RATES, 4. voted to defund planned parenthood, 5. voted against nuclear arms reductions, the treaty between the USA and Russia.

Heres what he said during the state fair politcal forum: 1. Hes from Huntington 2. Hes still misquoting Hilliary Clinton regarding coal. She didnt say that she was going to put coal mines out of buisness. Society/free market will. Look it up people, this is gotcha politics at its worst. 3. Hes against common core education standards. 4. Endorsed by the UMWA 5. Sponsor of the the reclaim act, which is to work with mountain top removal sites to use them for economic developement.

A follow up on my PSA on Evan Jenkins the representative for WV third district in the US House of Representatives. After the Orlando shooting, I emailed him asking him to do something for gun control in this country. Stiffer background checks, mandatory trigger locks, smart gun tech, anything really. Here is what he wrote back. The standard answer. Mental health. That's not good enough. You might say that it's a cliche answer, without thought.

US House, WV second district

Mark Hunt, Democrat

1. Sponsored a bill for a sales tax holliday for gun purchases 2. pro choice 3. voted to raise the minimum wage 4. voted to encourage the use of renewable energy 5. voted for a pay increase for state employees 6. voted for a law that Authorizes a circuit court judge to replace 180 days of a sentence of incarceration with a supervised treatment program for substance abuse 7. He is from Charleston 8. He is an attorney, he went to the university of Charleston for his bachelors, Marshall for his masters and the University of D.C. for his doctorate. 9. He is a managing partner of his law firm 10. supported laws with enhanced penalties for crimes against the elderly, handicapped, and children. I dont live in this district any more, but I have a lot of family and friends that do. Mark Hunt is a experienced legislator, who is from WV.

Alex Mooney, Incumbent Republican

1. voted against the TPP (trans pacific partnership) 2. voted against the TAA which provides American workers displaced by foreign trade agreements with job training and services. 3. Voted to make abortions illegal if the fetus is 20 weeks or older, with certain exceptions 4. He endorsed Ted Cruz in the Repuclican primary 5. DURING THE RECENT FLOODING HE WAS A NO SHOW IN THE STATE in the immediate flooding, instead he as on a trip to the middle east. See the link below for a interview you can listen to his response as to why he wasnt in the state, you tell me if his answer is good enough. 6. Endorsed by the NRA 7. voted to defund planned parenthood 8. He has voted to repeal the ACA 9. Hes from Maryland. NOT SHOWING UP FOR YOUR STATE DURING A NATURAL DISASTER IS SHAMEFUL.

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