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Monday, October 24, 2016

A review of candidates running for Governor of WV.

Bill Cole, Republican

1. For "right to work" 2. He was born in Massachusetts 3. Hes a car salesman (insert car salesman/politician joke here) 4. He was for the tobacco tax increase 5. He endorsed Trump 6. Hes voted to outlaw abortion if the fetus is older than 20 weeks. 7. NRA has endorsed him 8. Funded by the Koch brothers 9. He has 500 employees in the state 10. While being President of the Senate he couldnt get a budget through without dipping heavily into the WV savings (rainy day fund) 11. Against common core education standards. 12. Refuses to show West Virginians his tax returns.

During a political forum I went to during the state fair, I listened to his speech, and asked a question. Here is the result. 1. He was appointed to the house of delegates by Joe Manchin. 2. Hes very anti-President Obama, blames him for the decline in coal 3. He doesnt believe in regulations 4. Wants to down size beaurocrats in our state government. 5. Supports "right to work" 6. opposes prevailing wage 7. When I was permitted to ask a question, I asked if he supported increasing the minimum wage, and he responded that he doesnt support the minimum wage at all. Says it should never have been. 

Charlotte Pritt, Mountain Party

1. Charlotte has experience in the state government as a delegate and state Senator from Kanawha county. 2. She also has worked as a high school english teacher 3. She believes that the minimum wage in WV should be increased 4. Shes for "prevailing wage" 5. shes against "right to work" 6. Shes for the legalization of Marijuana 7. Shes pro-union 8. Shes for clean energy 9. Shes for retraining out of work coal miners for other careers 10. Conclusion, shes the best choice for Governor this year.

Heres what CHARLOTTE PRITT, the Mountain party candidate for Governor had to say at the state fair political forum: 1. She spoke about the spirit of WVs to come togethor to overcome adversity. 2. She spoke about being for alternative energy 3. She spoke about how legalizing Marijuana and growing and selling it in the state, could bring in millions of dollars to the state. 4. I asked her about raising the minimum wage and she really came alive. She is definetly for it, and ending "right to work" and bringing back the prevailing wage. 

David Moran, Libertarian
he has a facebook page you can look up

While at the state fair political forum heres what David Moran had to say 1. When asked what he felt about raising the minimum wage, he said that he didnt believe in it, and he paid his farm hands five dollars an hour. Um, thats illegal folks. Points for honesty though I guess. 2. He also says that he regularly fills pot holes himself on the road that he lives on. I should have asked for clarification, about whether that was a private or county road.

Phil Hudok, constitution party

Jim Justice, Democrat

Jim Justice decided not to attend the WV state fair political forum.
Jim Justice decided not to attend the Greenbrier county Democratic picnic.
Owes 15 million dollars in taxes to multiple states.
Coal operator.
Refuses to show West Virginians his tax returns.

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