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Friday, October 28, 2016


     I live in WV, a pretty Republican state. I have family and friends who are avid supporters of Donald Trump, and they want to know how I could support Hillary Clinton. A new developement happened today, which I'm sure will raise those questions again. FBI director James Comey informed the US Congress that he was going to investigate more emails found on a device in a unrelated case that may be pertinent to the Clinton email case. So, in anticipation of questions I will soon be getting, I'm going to explain how I became a Clinton supporter, and why I still am.

     A long, long time ago, this was October 2015, I was not a Hillary Clinton supporter. At the time I was supporting Senator Jim Webb, since he's a Marine and so am I. I have an allegiance to my brothers in arms, also because he focused on working across the political divide with Republicans, and not continuing to harp on the political fault line that divides us as a nation. I feel thats what we need as a country, a big Kumbaya moment/figure that brings us togethor. Unfortunately, not long after the first Democratic primary debate, Senator Webb dropped out. 

   So, I was a Democrat without a candidate to support. Governor O'malley didn't stand a chance, Senator Sanders was doing his best "vote for Pedro" impression, "vote for me and all your dreams will come true," and I didn't want to support another Clinton in office, so I couldnt support Secretary Clinton. After two Bush's in the oval office, and potentially a third, I wanted a new name. So, I looked at the Republican primary and found a new hope. 

   John Kasich was easily the best candidate left in the entire primary field. He was, to my knowledge, the only Republican running for President, who said that yes, humanity contributes to climate change. He expanded medicaid under Obamacare, took criticism for it, and defended his choice whole heartedly. He believes in free trade, as I do, and would defend his beliefs, knowing those beliefs were unpopular with voters. He had guts and you could trust him to tell you what he really thought. He was a congressman, while he was there he voted for the assault weapons ban, and he is the Governor of Ohio, which means that he has executive expierence. During the Republican primary he stated that he has a history of working with both Republicans and Democrats. So I switched parties and voted for John Kasich in the West Virginia primary. As you know, he dropped out of the race shortly after the West Virginia primary. Since then, he has been working some with President Obama promoting the TPP, the pacific trade agreement. (No, I dont agree with Kasich on everything, this paragraph is a bit on the sunny side.)

     After Kasich dropped out, I was left with two choices. Hillary Clinton, the former Senator and Secretary of State who had a hard time understanding that she should use the government email, against the billionare Donald Trump who doesnt pay his taxes/workers and insults everyone. Hillary Clinton whos tax plan will give me a tax break and estimated to reduce the federal debt by 1.4 trillion against Donald Trumps tax plan that would add 7.1 trillion dollars to the debt. Hillary Clinton worked to ensure that Iran would not have a nuclear bomb for years, and Donald says that more countries should have nuclear weapons. So you ask me, how can I support Hillary Clinton in light of the new email developments? I ask you how can you support Donald Trump, whose proposed policies would increase the debt and possibly would lead to nuclear winter? The choice is clear, I support Hillary Clinton.

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