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Sunday, October 30, 2016


The next issue I want to review is....CAN WE BRING BACK COAL. This is an issue that a lot of WV politicians have been promising to do. Is it actually possible? First, lets look at what took down King Coal in our state. According to Forbes magazine, it was mostly Natural Gas. CNBC agrees. Natural gas is cheaper and cleaner. Ofcourse, electricity isnt the only thing coal is used for. Steel for example requires coal. Unfortunatetly, the demand for coal has dropped in relation to steel as well. In particular, the Chinese demand for steel/coal has fallen recently. So for coal to come back in this way, market factors would have to change dramatically. Not impossible, but, we shouldnt count on it.
So, if its not realistic to bring coal back for electricity or steel, what can it be used for. Forbes has our potential answer, and I think you'll be surprised. Carbon fiber and carbon nanotubes are presently used in reinforced plastics, heat-resistant composites, cell phone components, fishing rods, golf club shafts, bicycle frames, sports car bodies, the fuselage of the Boeing 787 Dreamliner, pool cue sticks and to reinforce concrete and grey cast iron. Read the article below.
Is the answer diversifying coal in this manner? Maybe so. I'am encouraged by the possibility. This answer, however, I think, is beyond the capability of the WV governor or WV state senators and WV state delegates. This would take the US government buying into coal as a alternative to other resources, to study if coal is a good alternative. It would take the global market seeing coal as a viable alternative, actually buying into it. So is it possible for coal to come back? Yeah, its possible. Not, I think in a way that people want. Not in a way that will be back any time soon. Its a bit of a long shot, but yeah, its possible. Coal will still have its ups and downs, but for local politicians to say that they will bring coal back is not realistic.

Friday, October 28, 2016


     I live in WV, a pretty Republican state. I have family and friends who are avid supporters of Donald Trump, and they want to know how I could support Hillary Clinton. A new developement happened today, which I'm sure will raise those questions again. FBI director James Comey informed the US Congress that he was going to investigate more emails found on a device in a unrelated case that may be pertinent to the Clinton email case. So, in anticipation of questions I will soon be getting, I'm going to explain how I became a Clinton supporter, and why I still am.

     A long, long time ago, this was October 2015, I was not a Hillary Clinton supporter. At the time I was supporting Senator Jim Webb, since he's a Marine and so am I. I have an allegiance to my brothers in arms, also because he focused on working across the political divide with Republicans, and not continuing to harp on the political fault line that divides us as a nation. I feel thats what we need as a country, a big Kumbaya moment/figure that brings us togethor. Unfortunately, not long after the first Democratic primary debate, Senator Webb dropped out. 

   So, I was a Democrat without a candidate to support. Governor O'malley didn't stand a chance, Senator Sanders was doing his best "vote for Pedro" impression, "vote for me and all your dreams will come true," and I didn't want to support another Clinton in office, so I couldnt support Secretary Clinton. After two Bush's in the oval office, and potentially a third, I wanted a new name. So, I looked at the Republican primary and found a new hope. 

   John Kasich was easily the best candidate left in the entire primary field. He was, to my knowledge, the only Republican running for President, who said that yes, humanity contributes to climate change. He expanded medicaid under Obamacare, took criticism for it, and defended his choice whole heartedly. He believes in free trade, as I do, and would defend his beliefs, knowing those beliefs were unpopular with voters. He had guts and you could trust him to tell you what he really thought. He was a congressman, while he was there he voted for the assault weapons ban, and he is the Governor of Ohio, which means that he has executive expierence. During the Republican primary he stated that he has a history of working with both Republicans and Democrats. So I switched parties and voted for John Kasich in the West Virginia primary. As you know, he dropped out of the race shortly after the West Virginia primary. Since then, he has been working some with President Obama promoting the TPP, the pacific trade agreement. (No, I dont agree with Kasich on everything, this paragraph is a bit on the sunny side.)

     After Kasich dropped out, I was left with two choices. Hillary Clinton, the former Senator and Secretary of State who had a hard time understanding that she should use the government email, against the billionare Donald Trump who doesnt pay his taxes/workers and insults everyone. Hillary Clinton whos tax plan will give me a tax break and estimated to reduce the federal debt by 1.4 trillion against Donald Trumps tax plan that would add 7.1 trillion dollars to the debt. Hillary Clinton worked to ensure that Iran would not have a nuclear bomb for years, and Donald says that more countries should have nuclear weapons. So you ask me, how can I support Hillary Clinton in light of the new email developments? I ask you how can you support Donald Trump, whose proposed policies would increase the debt and possibly would lead to nuclear winter? The choice is clear, I support Hillary Clinton.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016


     Are you an undecided voter? If you are, its because you just cant vote for the big party candidates, Clinton or Trump, Justice or Cole, Democrat or Republican. People say you have to vote so your voice can be heard (and so you have a right to complain later on), but you can't stand the main party candidates. Its also said that voting for a third party is a wasted vote. I couldn't disagree more. Voting for a third party, while highly unlikely that the candidate will win, is a way to send a message to the main political parties that they aren't representing what is important to you, maybe next election if enough of the voters select third parties, the Democrats and the Republicans will get their acts togethor. So, in support of third parties, here is a list of candidates that dont have a (D) or an (R) next to their name in WV that you can vote for in protest. JUST MAKE SURE YOU VOTE!


Darrell L. Castle, Constitution party

Gary Johnson, Libertarian

Jill Stein, Mountain/Green party

CONGRESS, WVs third district, (southern WV)

Zane Lawhorn, Libertarian


Phil Hudok, Constitution party

David Moran, Libertarian party

Charlotte Pritt, Mountain party


John Buckley, Libertarian


Brenton Ricketts, Libertarian


Michael Allen Young, Libertarian


Buddy Guthrie, Libertarian


Karl Koelnich, Libertarian

Michael Sharley, Mountain Party


H. John Rogers, Libertarian

SENATE DISTRICT 11 (Randolph, Pocahontas, Webster, Nicholas, Pendelton, Upshur)

Bruce Zeno Breuninger, Mountain Party

SENATE DISTRICT 14 (Pendelton, Barbour, Tucker, Grant, Hardy, Taylor)

Matthew Persinger, Libertarian

HOUSE OF DELEGATES DISTRICT 7 (Ritchie and Pleasants)

Rodney Hytonen, Mountain Party


Naomi Spencer Daly, Socialist equality party


Derrick Evans, Libertarian

HOUSE OF DELEGATES DISTRICT 32 (Fayette, Nicholas, Clay, Raleigh)

Travis Simms, Libertarian


Elizabeth Rhule, Mountain Party

HOUSE OF DELEGATES DISTRICT 39 (North Western Kanawha)

Chris Reed, Mountain Party

HOUSE OF DELEGATES DISTRICT 43 (Pocahontas, Randolph)

Alan Balogh, Mountain Party

HOUSE OF DELEGATES DISTRICT 44 (Webster, Nichalos, Randolph, Upshur)

Barbara Daniels, Mountain Party


Tom Thacker, Libertarian


John Dodds, No party


Eddie Wagoner, Libertarian


John Bartlett, Constititution party


Tonya Persinger, Libertarian

Tuesday, October 25, 2016


      Early voting starts on 10/26 in WV, that's tomorrow. I think its important to speak about a lesson I learned as a young man growing up in a house divided. My mother is a Republican and my father was a Democrat. You vote for the person, not the party. I've heard it said that Daffy Duck could run for Governor in WV, and win, as long as he runs as a Democrat. 20 out of the 33 Governors of our state have been Democrats, and 13 out of the last 17. Voting for the party and not the person, is how we end up with Democrats/Republicans that dont represent the parties values. Opportunists see this sort of voting straight ticket as an opening to get a lot of votes, regardless of where they stand on the issues. How did we end up with the richest man in the state, who doesn't pay his taxes running as a Democrat for Governor (Jim Justice), and a candidate who has flipped sides on a womans right to choose and has absolutely no class, who also doesn't pay taxes, running for President (Trump)? I believe its because people aren't paying attention to the issues.

     I'm a registered Democrat, but I recognize that my party doesnt have the market cornered on being right all the time. Thats why in certain races, I have supported Republicans, Mountain Party members, and Libertarians. Please, do yourself a favor, before you vote, please review the candidates, and find out who you actually support.


US House, WV third district candidates:

Matt Detch, Democrat

1. Matt has a bachelors in criminology from Missouri state university and a MASTERS DEGREE IN INTERNATIONAL CRIMINOLOGY from the university of Greenwich in London, England. Seems pretty handy, hopefully he can put that to good use in congress. 2. He worked for the secret service under Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama. 3. He manages the local Irish Pub in Lewisburg WV (thats how I know him), so he has small buisness expierence, and knows how to help other WV small buisness's 4. I have personally met Matt several times and can tell you he is a good guy, and seems to me to hold moderate views. Meaning, he wont give up on coal, but realizes WV has to diversify to survive. 5. He is endorsed by the Mountain Party. 6. He's against the TPP. 7. Hes against big money taking over politics.

Evan Jenkins, Incumbent Republican

1. Voted against helping Puerto Rico in their time of economic crisis, 2. voted against prohibiting government contractors from discriminiation, 3. VOTED AGAINST REGULATION OF INTERNET ACCESS RATES, 4. voted to defund planned parenthood, 5. voted against nuclear arms reductions, the treaty between the USA and Russia.

Heres what he said during the state fair politcal forum: 1. Hes from Huntington 2. Hes still misquoting Hilliary Clinton regarding coal. She didnt say that she was going to put coal mines out of buisness. Society/free market will. Look it up people, this is gotcha politics at its worst. 3. Hes against common core education standards. 4. Endorsed by the UMWA 5. Sponsor of the the reclaim act, which is to work with mountain top removal sites to use them for economic developement.

A follow up on my PSA on Evan Jenkins the representative for WV third district in the US House of Representatives. After the Orlando shooting, I emailed him asking him to do something for gun control in this country. Stiffer background checks, mandatory trigger locks, smart gun tech, anything really. Here is what he wrote back. The standard answer. Mental health. That's not good enough. You might say that it's a cliche answer, without thought.

US House, WV second district

Mark Hunt, Democrat

1. Sponsored a bill for a sales tax holliday for gun purchases 2. pro choice 3. voted to raise the minimum wage 4. voted to encourage the use of renewable energy 5. voted for a pay increase for state employees 6. voted for a law that Authorizes a circuit court judge to replace 180 days of a sentence of incarceration with a supervised treatment program for substance abuse 7. He is from Charleston 8. He is an attorney, he went to the university of Charleston for his bachelors, Marshall for his masters and the University of D.C. for his doctorate. 9. He is a managing partner of his law firm 10. supported laws with enhanced penalties for crimes against the elderly, handicapped, and children. I dont live in this district any more, but I have a lot of family and friends that do. Mark Hunt is a experienced legislator, who is from WV.

Alex Mooney, Incumbent Republican

1. voted against the TPP (trans pacific partnership) 2. voted against the TAA which provides American workers displaced by foreign trade agreements with job training and services. 3. Voted to make abortions illegal if the fetus is 20 weeks or older, with certain exceptions 4. He endorsed Ted Cruz in the Repuclican primary 5. DURING THE RECENT FLOODING HE WAS A NO SHOW IN THE STATE in the immediate flooding, instead he as on a trip to the middle east. See the link below for a interview you can listen to his response as to why he wasnt in the state, you tell me if his answer is good enough. 6. Endorsed by the NRA 7. voted to defund planned parenthood 8. He has voted to repeal the ACA 9. Hes from Maryland. NOT SHOWING UP FOR YOUR STATE DURING A NATURAL DISASTER IS SHAMEFUL.

Monday, October 24, 2016

WVs drug epidemic, and what could be done about it.

According to the CDC there were 627 overdose deaths in WV in 2014, which was the highest drug-overdose death rate in the US in that year. The state also has one of the highest prescription rates of opioids in the US, and it ranks in the top 10 for the highest rate of prescriptions given out for high-dose opioids and extended-release opioids. Why? Why are so many WVs getting prescriptions for opioids? Is it related to manual labor jobs, like construction and coal mining? Those jobs are really hard on the body. Is it related to depression? According to the Gallup healthways wellbeing index, West Virginians are miserable. WVs current unemployment rate is at 5.7%, which is a drop from 6.9% a year ago. Six counties in WV are in a Great Depression. So, what can be done about these issues, to steer us away from drug abuse?
1. WV has already moved toward cracking down on overprescribing MDs, which has lead to illegal opioid trafficking from out of state and perhaps an uptick in Heroin use.
2. A law passed by the West Virginia legislature in 2013 requires every judicial circuit in West Virginia offer an adult drug court by July 2016. The purpose is to achieve a reduction in recidivism and substance abuse among offenders and to increase the likelihood of successful rehabilitation through early, continuous, and intense treatment; mandatory periodic drug testing; community supervision; appropriate sanctions and incentives; and other rehabilitation services, all of which is supervised by a judicial officer. I dont know how many are open.
3. Treatment options are available with using Methadone and other synthetics, but there is another safer option that may help with pain while possibly decreasing the need for opioids. Marijuana. According to what I read, which I will share, it does a better job at treating chronic pain that helping to wean people off of opioids, but, it seems to me that may help to stem the tide of people becoming addicted in the first place.
4. If people have good paying jobs that improve their quality of life, they are less likely to get on opioids in the first place. Which is why repealing "prevailing wage" and passing the "right to work" law was a bad idea.
5. Mental health/depression issues should be looked at. If it is depression that leads people to abuse opioids, perhaps treatment with anti-depressants should be a focus as well.
6. If six WV counties are in a Great Depression, then I would recommend that in those counties, the US military recruiters be given as great an access as possible. Really push the idea of joining the military to get funds to go to college and learn a skill. It could really create hope, where perhaps there isnt any.
So, thats what I think anyway. Keep cracking down on over prescribing, keep promoting drug courts and treatment over incarceration, allow West Virginians to use medical marijuana, repeal "right to work" and put "prevailing wage" back in place, have mental health as an increased focus in the medical field, and push the idea of West Virginia kids joining the military to learn a skill and get money for college, to help stamp out the hopelessness that may lead to drug abuse.


My list of "The Mountain state middle man" endorsed candidates:

f you follow my guide, you'll be safe from voting for/electing the jerks.
1. WV governor: Charlotte Pritt (Mountain Party)
2. US house, WV second district: Mark Hunt (Democrat)
3. US house, WV third district: Matt Detch (Democrat)
4. WV secretary of state: Natalie Tennant (Democrat)
5. WV state auditor: Mary Ann Claytor (Democrat)
6. WV state Treasurer: John Perdue (Democrat)
7. WV commisioner of Agriculture: Kent Leonhardt (Republican)
8. WV Attorney General: Doug Reynolds (Democrat), this was a real compromise for me. Morrisey is such a troll, we have to defeat him.
9. WV Senate district 8 (Charleston) Chris Walters (Republican)
10. WV house of delegates district 37 (Charleston) Mike Pushkin (Democrat)
11. WV house of delegates district 32: three seats for Fayette county:John Pino (Democrat), Margaret Staggers (Democrat) and Travis Simms (Libertarian)
12. WV Senate district 10 (Greenbrier, Fayette, Monroe, Summers) David Perry (Democrat)
13. WV House of Delegates district 42 (Greenbrier): Stephen Baldwin (Democrat). I had George Ambler on here, but his poor performance at the debate made me change my mind.
14. WV State Senate district 7 (Boone) Richard Ojeda (Democrat)
15. WV House of Delegates district 23 (Boone) Rodney Miller (Democrat)
16. WV House of Delegates district 59 (south Morgan and West Berkeley) Cat Webster (Democrat)

A review of candidates running for Governor of WV.

Bill Cole, Republican

1. For "right to work" 2. He was born in Massachusetts 3. Hes a car salesman (insert car salesman/politician joke here) 4. He was for the tobacco tax increase 5. He endorsed Trump 6. Hes voted to outlaw abortion if the fetus is older than 20 weeks. 7. NRA has endorsed him 8. Funded by the Koch brothers 9. He has 500 employees in the state 10. While being President of the Senate he couldnt get a budget through without dipping heavily into the WV savings (rainy day fund) 11. Against common core education standards. 12. Refuses to show West Virginians his tax returns.

During a political forum I went to during the state fair, I listened to his speech, and asked a question. Here is the result. 1. He was appointed to the house of delegates by Joe Manchin. 2. Hes very anti-President Obama, blames him for the decline in coal 3. He doesnt believe in regulations 4. Wants to down size beaurocrats in our state government. 5. Supports "right to work" 6. opposes prevailing wage 7. When I was permitted to ask a question, I asked if he supported increasing the minimum wage, and he responded that he doesnt support the minimum wage at all. Says it should never have been. 

Charlotte Pritt, Mountain Party

1. Charlotte has experience in the state government as a delegate and state Senator from Kanawha county. 2. She also has worked as a high school english teacher 3. She believes that the minimum wage in WV should be increased 4. Shes for "prevailing wage" 5. shes against "right to work" 6. Shes for the legalization of Marijuana 7. Shes pro-union 8. Shes for clean energy 9. Shes for retraining out of work coal miners for other careers 10. Conclusion, shes the best choice for Governor this year.

Heres what CHARLOTTE PRITT, the Mountain party candidate for Governor had to say at the state fair political forum: 1. She spoke about the spirit of WVs to come togethor to overcome adversity. 2. She spoke about being for alternative energy 3. She spoke about how legalizing Marijuana and growing and selling it in the state, could bring in millions of dollars to the state. 4. I asked her about raising the minimum wage and she really came alive. She is definetly for it, and ending "right to work" and bringing back the prevailing wage. 

David Moran, Libertarian
he has a facebook page you can look up

While at the state fair political forum heres what David Moran had to say 1. When asked what he felt about raising the minimum wage, he said that he didnt believe in it, and he paid his farm hands five dollars an hour. Um, thats illegal folks. Points for honesty though I guess. 2. He also says that he regularly fills pot holes himself on the road that he lives on. I should have asked for clarification, about whether that was a private or county road.

Phil Hudok, constitution party

Jim Justice, Democrat

Jim Justice decided not to attend the WV state fair political forum.
Jim Justice decided not to attend the Greenbrier county Democratic picnic.
Owes 15 million dollars in taxes to multiple states.
Coal operator.
Refuses to show West Virginians his tax returns.

If you are like me, you have worried in the past about voting for the wrong person because you didn't have enough knowledge about certain races, and just voted based on party affiliation. I decided last summer that accidentally voting for unqualified, uncaring, mean spirited candidates had to stop. So, I reviewed all my local political candidates, along with candidates that my family and friends were going to have to vote for or against, and I posted those results on facebook. People recommended that I create my own blog and have more of a proffessional look. This is it. I review political news and post my opinions here. My goal is to keep you informed while maintaining respect for both sides of the political divide.