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Tuesday, December 6, 2016


     Right now, there are thousands of retired UMWA coal miners who are about to lose their pensions and health care benefits on 12/31/16, because the coal companies they worked for are going bankrupt.

     You might be wondering "what is a pension?" Its a retirement that an employer pays into, and you get a monthly (or lump sum) pay out when you retire. If your company goes belly up after you retire, you may lose those monthly payments. That's whats happened here.

     You may say "that's the way the game is played, you make your choices and live with them. People chose to work in the mines, for these companies, and opted for the monthly payment plan. Thats their problem, why should the federal government spend my tax dollars on them?" First of all, an opinion like that shows you have no heart. Second, thousands of coal miners without a pay check affects our communities (YOU) as well. With less money circulating in our communities, it will hurt local business, tax revenues, which hurt school systems, increase the number of people on Medicaid/Medicare, etc. etc. The cost of fixing this issue, is dwarfed by the cost of not helping retired Coal miners. 3. The federal government, under President Harry Truman guaranteed the pensions and health care benefits of UMWA miners in strike negotiations in 1946.  Under that agreement, “coal miners made a commitment to provide the nation with much-needed energy even at the risk of their lives and health in often dangerous conditions,” UMWA International President Cecil Roberts told a Senate Finance Committee hearing in March. In exchange, he said, the government promised to ensure miners have health care and pension benefits upon retirement.

     So, how do we fix the problem? There is legislation called "The Miners Protection Act" which would take funds from the Abandoned Mine Lands program to pay for the pensions and health care. The fix is already paid for, it just needs to be voted on. So why hasnt it? Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky has concerns over the pension benefits for non-union retired Coal Miners. Thats commendable, being concerned about his citizens. One day, I hope that the Senator does help non-union coal miners, Im sure they need it, coal mining can have a devastating effect on a persons body. However, as has already been mentioned, it was the UMWA contract that was guaranteed by the government, not anyone elses. The U.S. government needs to live up to its end of the bargain and pass the Miners Protection Act. After that, it would be a good thing to help the other coal miners. This should be passed first though, as the USA needs to fulfill a promise. 

     There is a side note here, its suspected (and denied) that Senator McConnell is holding a grudge  against the UMWA, because the UMWA supported his opponent in his last election. Theres no way to prove that ofcourse, its just interesting that Senator McConnell is holding up this legislation. 

     So what can we do about it? Call your congressman and Senators and tell them the USA needs to live up to its responsibilities to UMWA coal miners, and pass the Miners Protection Act. You can find the phone numbers in the links on the right hand column to the U.S. Senate and House of representatives. 

    You can also send a letter, like so:

      To the honorable ___________,

    Thousands of retired UMWA coal miners are about to lose their benefits, because the coal industry is in decline. The USA under President Harry Truman has guaranteed the pensions and benefits of UMWA coal miners in 1946. Please assist the USA in living up to its responsibilities, and help thousands of coal miners, by asking to bring the Miners Protection Act to vote, and then voting for it. Thank you,

Friday, December 2, 2016


     I've said before that the President Elect should be able to choose who he wants to be in his cabinet, and as long as they are qualified, they should be approved. I write today in support of General Mattis for Secretary of Defense, and to ask you, dear reader, to call your congressman and Senators to get the waiver the general needs to serve as Secretary of Defense. The law says that a general must be out of the military for seven years before he can serve in this capacity. I think when you are through reading my blog on the General, you too will feel at ease with his appointment l, and will want to call your congressman write a letter/email to your congressman asking them to approve the waiver.
     I first came to hear of General Mattis in funny memes passed around facebook by my Marine friends, and they were funny, in an albeit twisted way. Follow the web address below for examples. Here is my list of why we should support General Mattis:

     1. He has combat experience in the middle east.
     2. He was the head of U.S. Central command (middle east)
     3. He doesn't like the Nuclear arms deal with Iran, but believes we have to keep it. He calls it a pause on Iran's Nuclear ambitions.
     4. He is not afraid to tell truth to power
     5. He was the Supreme Allied Commander of NATO transformation
     6. He believes in the two state solution for Israel and Palestine
     7. Mattis currently splits his time between Stanford and Dartmouth as a distinguished fellow, conducting research and giving lectures on leadership and strategy.
     8. He sees the aggression Russia has towards Ukraine, which I believe should be pointed out to our President Elect.
     9. As his division prepared to ship out, Mattis called in experts in Arab culture to lead cultural sensitivity classes. and.......
     10. he wanted his men to grow mustaches to look more like the people they were working with.
     11. Hes against torture including water boarding, and didn't mind telling Pres. Elect Trump that's what he thought. 
     Knowing all that, it reassures me that he understands the importance of NATO, the scariness of nuclear proliferation, Putin is not a person to be friends with, he has first hand experience with battle (so he wont take the prospect of war lightly) and he understands that wars aren't completely fought on the battlefield, that treating non-combatants with respect helps to win hearts and minds. I don't know if President elect Trump agrees with any of this, making General Mattis all that more valuable to the administration, America and the world. 

     So, please, find your Senator and Congressman's phone number in the links on the right, and ask them to support the waiver, and the nomination of General Mattis for Secretary of Defense.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016


 There has been a lot of talk about the U.S. pulling out of TPP, which Congress never ratified, and NAFTA. Politicians blame NAFTA for "stealing American jobs" and claim TPP will do the same. Manufacturing jobs were leaving the U.S.A. long before NAFTA.  "G.M. opened its first factory in Mexico in 1935, assembling trucks in the capital from parts imported from the United States. After a 1962 Mexican law required foreign auto makers to increase the local content of their vehicles, G.M. built three engine and vehicle plants in the 1960's and 70's. The new plants, like similar factories built by Ford and Chrysler, assembled vehicles for the Mexican market. In the decades since, G.M. has continued to assemble vehicles in Mexico. But in the late 70's, in response to a 1965 law encouraging foreign manufacturers to produce goods here for export tax-free, General Motors changed strategy. ''G.M. began to see Mexico as a supplier for its U.S. vehicle assembly plants, and in the 1980's built an entire parts industry here,'' said Arnulfo Arteaga, a Mexico City professor who studies the auto industry. ''Now, Delphi's Mexican plants basically turn out parts once produced in the United States.''
     Bill Clinton is quoted saying this about NAFTA in the 90's prior to NAFTA: But I have a secret for you. This is all happening now, before Nafta has gone into effect. You and I can argue about whether Nafta will have a positive effect or a negative effect, but here’s one thing I can tell you. Everything that you are afraid of happening with Nafta is already happening. That’s God’s honest truth.”…
     Companies are going to do what is best for their bottom line, period. Today, a company can have their headquarters here in the states, and run operations in China, Vietnam, Mexico, where ever they want, and not upset the supply chain. If it benefits them to do that, that's what they'll do. "Pursuit of happyness" I think Ive heard before. People are free to run their companies how they want to. Its American capitalism. If tariffs are increased on other countries importing goods, then we will start a trade war, that doesn't end well for anyone. That's where Trade deals come in. They attempt to protect American jobs by opening the American market (lowering or getting rid of tarriffs for participant countries) while raising labor standards, environmental standards, which would make it less enticing for companies to go to in the first place. They also open up markets to U.S. made goods and increase sales. Trade deals also increase U.S. foreign influence. So, with that in mind, lets look at NAFTA, the boogie man of the last U.S. election.
     So, why did the U.S. create NAFTA? The deal sought to protect intellectual property, establish dispute-resolution mechanisms, and, through side agreements, implement labor and environmental safeguards. It encouraged a more than tripling of regional trade and cross-border investment between the three countries also grew significantly. The hope was that freer trade would bring stronger and steadier economic growth to Mexico, providing new jobs and opportunities for its growing workforce and discouraging illegal migration from Mexico. For the United States and Canada, Mexico was seen both as a promising new market for exports and as a lower cost investment location that could enhance the competitiveness of U.S. and Canadian companies. It was also said to create hundreds of thousands of new jobs in the U.S. 
     Did NAFTA accomplish those goals?  1. Regional trade increased sharply (PDF) over the treaty’s first two decades, from roughly $290 billion in 1993 to more than $1.1 trillion in 2016. In 2014 Canada and Mexico ranked first and second for U.S. exports. 2. It did create the NAFTA free trade commission for trade dispute settlements. (which helps with intellectual property) trade with Mexico accounts for five million U.S. jobs, and over all the deal accounts for 14 million U.S. jobs. 3. NAFTA marked the first time that labor and environmental provisions were associated with an FTA. to effectively enforce its occupational safety and health, child labor or minimum wage technical standards. The labor laws aren't as strong as you'd want, but NAFTA including labor laws into a free trade agreement was a novel idea. 4. NAFTA didn't accomplish the slowing of illegal immigration like it was hoped. Turns out, companies that had moved to Mexico from the states, moved to China later on for cheaper labor, making immigration to the states attractive. Among other factors too. See the web address for more: 5. NAFTA did lower consumer prices here in the states. 6. NAFTA helped the U.S. auto sector compete with China. By contributing to the development of cross-border supply chains, NAFTA lowered costs, increased productivity, and improved U.S. competitiveness. This meant shedding some jobs in the United States as positions moved to Mexico, he argues, but without the pact, even more would have otherwise been lost. For more, see  

     Overall, I'd say NAFTA is a success. What about TPP? 1. Gets rid of taxes on American exports 2. elimination of forced labor in participant countries 3. abolition of child labor in participant countries 4. includes protections for intellectual property 5. It contains a dispute settlement framework 6. Eliminates trade barriers/tarriffs for the U.S. auto industry to sell in Japan 7. Helps workers in TPP countries to unionize 8. creates minimum wages in TPP countries 9. Increases access to internet and the freedom to use the internet throughout TPP countries 10. It gives TPP countries greater access to American made goods, making it less likely they'll buy from the Chinese, our biggest global competitor.

     So, if you see things as I do, that globalization is inevitable, and that pulling out of NAFTA and TPP will only put the American economy behind, and possibly in a recession, consider writing this letter to your congressman:

    To the honorable _____,
     I live in your district, and I have some concerns regarding the U.S. economy I would like to share with you. President Elect Donald Trump has said that he wants to pull out of NAFTA. 1. NAFTA has helped save our auto industry from going to China, 2. Mexico and Canada are two of our biggest trading partners, accounting for 1 trillion dollars worth of trade per year, and 3. NAFTA supports 14 million jobs here in the United States. President Elect Trump has also said that he will pull the U.S. out of TPP, which is designed to help the American worker by increasing U.S. exports, increasing human/worker rights in TPP nations (including minimum wages and unionization), and increases access for the U.S. auto industry to Japans market. It also helps us compete with China by bringing TPP business to the United States. Please do what you can to support these trade agreements, for the sake of the American economy and the American worker. 

Thank you for your time,


My other Sources:

Sunday, November 20, 2016


     West Virginia's state budget is in trouble, again. Last year, in the state legislatures normal session, they worked on raw milk legislation, the religious freedom act, passed right to work, and repealed prevailing wage, Voter ID, common core, they restricted a woman's right to choose, discussed drug testing welfare recipients, allowed permit less carry of concealed weapons, voted to CUT taxes on natural gas and coal, worked on allowing Uber to operate in our state (good job), worked on a brunch bill (good job), they talked about reducing the sales tax, a lawsuit was threatened over having floor votes on Sunday, they approved WVU Tech to move to Beckley (good job) and worked on broadband access to rural WV (good job). This is not an entire list, check out for more. Point is, they didn't finish a budget, and had to come back for a special session to work out the budget, which cost the state six hundred thousand dollars.

     In the special session, the legislature decided to raise taxes on cigarettes to one dollar and twenty cents a pack, which make a 98 million dollar dent in the deficit. That sounds good right? Except that the cigarette tax just about paid for the tax break given to coal and gas companies mentioned earlier (110 million dollars). The rainy day fund was also used to the tune of 70 million dollars, along with the cuts amounting to 120 million dollars. Add to that, Governor Tomblin has ordered for a mid year 2 percent cut to all state agencies as of 11/15/16.

     Now, I know what you are thinking, there was an election 11/8/16, there is no way we allowed these jokers back in office, right? Surely the legislature will swing back to the Democrats after the dismal performance by WV Republicans. Nope, the ratio of Republicans to Democrats in the state house of delegates was plus one to the Democrats, and a wider margin for the Republicans in the Senate. This makes me want to pull my hair out, as I'm sure it does others. However, the election is over now, and we need to move forward. The state is again facing a budget crisis, Its looking to be about 300 million dollars. It is evident though, that the Legislature needs help, and perhaps they don't know what they're doing. So, here's some ideas that may help:

     1. THE STATE BUDGET HAS TO BE THE PRIORITY! No more raw milk, tax cuts, drug testing, concealed weapons or lawsuits until you have fixed the budget, that's got to be first. I thought this would be self evident, but apparently not.

     2. Explore new ideas on how to create revenue: A. Open up hunting on Sundays on both public and private land. A representative from the Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation told lawmakers in September that if Sunday hunting was legal on both public and private land statewide, roughly 2,600 jobs and $155 million in economic activity per year would be created. 
     Boogie Ambler the Republican Delegate from my district in here in Greenbrier county, has put forward a bill to make it legal to hunt on Sundays on private land. You got it half right anyway Boogie, thanks for trying.
          B. Allow alcohol to be sold like any other day on Sunday, this will help our tourism and hospitality industry, I don't know the numbers on that, it just seems like common sense. 
          C. Raise the sales tax one percent, which will net an additional 225 million dollars for the state. 
     3. The Republicans and Democrats must work together and compromise, for the greater good.

     Those are just three things, which I think won't hurt the public so much (I hate raising taxes, but one percent isn't that bad) and will raise revenue. There are other things we could talk about, like legalizing marijuana, and repealing tax breaks for natural gas, but in politics, post election cycles, we talk about the ideas that could actually happen. I agree with both those things, FYI.

     Heres a letter you can copy and paste in an email to your state delegate/senator. There is a link on the right hand column for the WV state Legislature. Just use it to find the appropriate politicians and their email.

To the honorable ________,

    I live in your district and I have some concerns I would like to share with you regarding our great states future. West Virginias state budget is in trouble and has already had many cuts over the years. Please make the state budget your focus, while attempting to avoid further cuts. A few ideas you could consider to help revenue: 1. Make it legal to hunt on Sundays on private and public land. This will raise an estimated 155 million dollars. 2. Allow stores and restuarants to sell alcoholic beverages as they would any other day on Sunday. This would help the tourism and hospitality industries.
3. Consider raising the sales tax by 1 percent, this will raise an estimated 225 million dollars.

Thank you for your time,

________ (your name here)


     So thats my letter with suggestions to our state legislature. Thanks again to all the great media outlets, in this case the Beckley Register-herald, the Charleston Gazette, WV metro news, the mountain messenger and WV public broadcasting. Keep up the great work. Also, these are just my opinions, I'm not an expert of any kind.

     I have received my first response back from one of our state Senators, Ronald Miller from my state Senate district, district 10 comprising Greenbrier, Monroe, Summers, Fayette counties. To paraphrase, he states that he is very focused on the budget, as he has been. He has had his tax plan publised in the Beckley Newspapers, and supports the Earned Income Tax Credit, which would give money back to low income familys. For example, a single mother of one, working full-time at $9 per hour, would earn $18,720 a year before taxes, and would owe about $489 in state income taxes, according to the report. 
A 15 percent EITC would allow her to keep $474, reducing her tax burden to $15, the report continued. 
That sounds fair to me, like the Governor Elect Jim Justice says, we need to grow our way out of the current budget/economic crisis. Senator Millers tax plan included the 1 percent sales tax increase, and included a telecommunications tax. It also included a tax cut to small buisness and the middle class, as well as the EITC. All of which he states, would have met the state budget gap of 271 million dollars. For more information regarding Senator Miller's tax plan, go to  Thank you Senator Miller for responding to my email, I wish you luck in the upcoming legislative session.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016


     It was announced earlier this week that Steve Bannon would be the chief strategist in the Trump administration. People lost their minds. Somehow we were shocked that President elect Trump would nominate Steve Bannon as his chief strategist. In case you don't know who Steve Bannon is, he used to run, which I have looked at. Its pretty rough. I didn't see anything absolutely racist while I was visiting the site, but all the articles just had a real bad, ugly feeling to them.

     These were some of the articles ran on while Steve Bannon was there:
  • “Bill Kristol: Republican Spoiler, Renegade Jew”
  • “Birth Control Makes Women Unattractive and Crazy”
  • “There’s No Hiring Bias Against Women in Tech, They Just Suck at Interviews”
  • “Does Feminism Make Women Ugly?”
  • “The Solution to Online ‘Harassment’ Is Simple: Women Should Log Off”
  • "Hoist It High And Proud: The Confederate Flag Proclaims A Glorious Heritage"
  • "Donald Trump Would Be the Real First Black President"

     I got the article titles from ABC news, I didn't find them on my own on I didn't care for staying on the website that long, it was..... odd. The point is, these are things I could see President Trump saying, so are you really surprised that Steve Bannon was selected as the chief strategist? Democrats and Never Trump Republicans lost, President Elect Trump gets to decide who he wants to have working in the White House with him. Besides, I don't think Steve Bannon is who every day Americans have to worry so much about. 

     House Speaker Paul Ryan is the person to worry about. I was watching CNN the other day, and House Speaker Paul Ryan came on and said if you want to see his plan, you should check out, so I did. Theres not a lot on it, general ideas, very little detail. Look at the web address in below for your own opinion. So, I had to go looking for other information on House Speaker Paul Ryan's plan, I've heard that he is for privatizing Social Security and Medicare, and for cutting Medicaid.

Is Paul Ryan for privatizing Social Security? Not that I can find, however. "Ryan has also supported limiting Social Security benefits by,  among other things, raising the retirement age for full benefits to as high as 69 or 70. (Under current law, it’s now 66 and will rise gradually to 67.)"

Is Paul Ryan for privatizing Medicare?  According to Forbes magazine and The Washington Post, yes.

Again, according to Forbes: "Medicare eligibility age: Ryan would gradually increase the eligibility age for Medicare from 65 to nearly 67 starting in 2020. That would require those 65 to 67 to purchase commercial insurance. Like other consumers, they’d receive new tax credits to help subsidize the cost, though the blueprint does not specify the size of those credits. In addition, the proposal would allow insurers to charge relatively higher premiums to older consumers than they can under the Affordable Care Act."

"Medicare Premium Support: As he has proposed many times in the past, Ryan is backing a plan that would effectively provide a fixed dollar subsidy that seniors would use to purchase Medicare insurance. That’s in contrast to today’s model, where Medicare pays a percentage of the cost, whatever it is.Such a plan would effectively shift the risk of health care cost increases from taxpayer to seniors. The idea has some bipartisan support, but the details matter. The biggest: How would the subsidy be calculated and by how much would it increase each year. The blueprint released today was largely silent on those issues." For example, The normal Medicare today pays 100 percent of your stay in a skilled nursing facility for the first 20 days, then 80% of your stay for the next 80 days. 

Is Paul Ryan for cutting Medicaid? Yes, and so is President Elect Donald Trump according to CNBC. 
What does this mean? "Medicaid spending hit $532 billion in fiscal 2015, with about 62 percent of that funded by the federal government, according to Kaiser Family Foundation data"Trump's proposal to convert Medicaid funding into a block grant program would lead to much lower federal funding to states," "No matter how much states spend on Medicaid, any cuts in federal reimbursements would force them to reduce spending on other programs or raise taxes, or both."

     So, go ahead, be upset that Steve Bannon might be a bit of a jerk, but the guy I'm concerned about is House Speaker Paul Ryan. He wants to 1. Increase the Social Security retirement age to 69, 2. He wants to increase the Medicare eligibility from 65 to 67, 3. He wants to privatize Medicare, and 4. He wants to cut federal fundiing for Medicaid. All of that equals cuts to regular Americans.

     I'd like to thank NPR, ABC news, Forbes, the Washington Post, and CNBC. You are all wonderful news outlets, and do a really good job keeping the public informed, thank you.

    Monday, November 14, 2016


           I wanted to update this blog, as Governor Justice has officially taken over as Governor now. The updates will be in blue, to find the baseline from when he takes over, to ten months from now, when he says the state economy will be turned around.

          As I'm sure you are aware, Governor elect Jim Justice has said that he will help West Virginia in many ways. He's pretty non specific with his goals, which was consistent through the campaign, but this is what I could find:

    1. "As governor, I will put our coal miners back to work. Even in these tough times for the coal industry, I’ve put coal miners back to work." Now, what does that mean? How many coal miners back to work? in 2012 there were 15,00 coal miners at work in WV, now, according to the West Virginia Coal Association, there is 12,000. In 2010 there were 20,000 and in 1990 there were 28,000. So we will see what happens. 12,000 is still accurate according to Bloomberg and the WV coal association.
    2. "I will incentivize our power plants to use only West Virginia coal." 
    3. He has said that he wont raise taxes, in spite of a projected 500 million dollar shortfall in 2017-18.
    4. He has said that he wont cut the budget the state legislature is already talking about cuts.
    5. "As governor, Jim will: Stop the flow of out-of-state drug dealers that are poisoning our people." Thats pasted right from his campaign website.
    6. "Jim will end the free lunch for politicians by: Requiring more transparency from “dark money” groups who try to influence West Virginia elections."     (Man, I want to believe this one!)
    7. Banning all fundraising activity during the regular legislative session for all state government officials.
    8. Pay our teachers what they’re worth. (this one is pretty unclear, but Im guessing he wants to give teachers a pay raise)

    He has said a lot more than this, but he is vague. So, it will be difficult to prove that he over promised on some things. Just to be clear, I'm rooting for him. I hope he gets West Virginia's economy out of the gutter. He has said that he needs 10 months to succeed. We will be crossing our fingers and watching.


         The Democratic party has a problem. Its candidate, well spoken, knowledgeable, professional Hillary Clinton, former first lady, former Senator and former Secretary of State lost an election to Donald Trump, the foul mouthed, billionare, who has never served his country in any capacity, and shows a real lack of knowledge about how the government and the world works. How did this happen? Rural working class voters have turned their backs on the Democratic party, thats how. Why?

         West Virginia (and other rural states) have a problem too, our economy is in rough shape. As of today, and as for West Virginia, the 2016/17 budget deficit is two hundred and fifty million dollars. Why you ask? King Coal isnt quite what it used to be. Coal tonnage production is down to less than 100 million tons of coal. In 2012 it was 120 million tons of coal. Its projected that in 2017 WV coal operators will produce 68 million tons of coal. Coal mining jobs dropped in 2012 from twenty four thousand jobs to seventeen thousand jobs in 2015. This has lead to cuts in our budget, school closings, I think the increased unemployment has exacerbated our drug problem, etc. etc. So, our West Virginia voters turned to hope. Donald Trump told the voters of WV that he would get their jobs back. He'd make coal competitive again by getting rid of regulations. Never mind that according to the experts, it was natural gas that caused the decline in coal. Never mind that on Donald Trump's campaign website he is enthusiastic about natural gas, in fact on his website, under "energy" he says he wants to:
    • Encourage the use of natural gas and other American energy resources that will both reduce emissions but also reduce the price of energy and increase our economic output. 
         His words, not mine, check out his website, I put the web address at the bottom of the page. He is promoting the use of the resource that did the most harm to coal, and West Virginians voted for him anyway, because he offered them hope that their way of life was going to come back, and the Democrat didn't, she offered changing with the times. 

         West Virginia coal miners want their jobs back. They dont want re-training to do another job, they want the jobs that they know how to do already, and many have family traditions of the fathers being coal miners, which they want to continue. They dont want to move to other states to work other jobs, they dont want to go back to school. So, when told that rolling back regulations will get them back to work, they are willing to believe it, to give that a shot, in spite of what the experts think. Thats why, I believe the state of West Virginia overwhelmingly voted for Donald Trump. 

         So, now, Donald Trump is President Elect, and has promised to roll back environmental regulations in the attempt to revive coal to its former glory, which I believe that he will. Again, the experts say this wont have the effect President Elect Trump thinks it will, that the prospects for coal production and coal mining jobs are pretty bleak in the coming years. So, in 2020, we will likely be facing an economy much like we have today, more school closings, the state government less and less able to fulfill its duties. We will also have communities looking for answers, people looking for jobs, and voters again feeling like politicians lied to them. 

         How can we help my neighbors, my home state? First of all, by not lying/misleading to the voters in 2018 and 2020. We have to speak about hard truths, hard decisions that have to be made. We also have to make the Democratic Presidential candidates in 2020 pay attention to West Virginia, to actually come up with other solutions, reforms that can help our state, suggest ideas on bringing industry to our state, by putting them West Virginia front and center in the primary election process. I think this may get President elect Donald Trumps attention as well, and he may look harder at our state, and ways to help us. Move the West Virginia primary election (or another rust belt state even) right behind New Hampshire, heck, before New Hampshire. That forces the entire field of Democratic candidates to pay attention to and take seriously the rural working class, and offer real ideas to help our economy and our people. It also gives the rural working class Americans a real say in who the Democratic nominee is, it gives West Virginians more of a voice, and not feel so neglected.

         I could be absolutely wrong about this, maybe coal will bounce back, but the rural working class would still feel left behind in the Democratic process, so moving West Virginia (or another rust belt state) up to an early date in the process would still help people feel like their voices were heard, more than they are today by the Democratic party, and I think the Republican party as well to some extent. If you think I'm a little early in calling for this move, maybe I'am, but I also dont know how long these things take, perhaps if we wait much longer it would be too late.

         So, say I'm right, this is a plan that could help both rural workers have more of a say and gets the political parties to support us better, what do we do about it? It looks to me, like our state legislature is the one who decides our primary season,
    §3-5-1. Time and place of holding primary elections in the year one thousand nine hundred eighty 
    and thereafter; hours polls open.
    Primary elections shall be held at the voting place in each of the voting precincts in the state, for the purposes set forth in this article, on the second Tuesday in May in the year one thousand nine hundred eighty-six and in each second year thereafter..

    So, I say we email our representatives in the state legislature and start the ball rolling. There is a link to the West Virginia state legislature, where you can find your delegate/senator, and email them this letter, or one you fashioned yourself, stating that moving the West Virginia primary forward for 2020 is a good idea.

    To the honorable _______

         West Virginia has had some rough economic times with coal on the decline in recent years. I feel, the federal government needs to be doing more to re-vitalize our states economy. One way West Virginia could get some much needed attention is to move our primary election to the front of the line, or thereabouts. This will get the national Presidential candidates attention, and they will want to answer our questions about how the federal government can assist West Virginia through these difficult economic times. Thank you.

    Disclaimer: I'm just a regular joe, I dont have any expierence with making laws or interpreting them. I'm just a concerned citizen, like you. Everything I've written hear, may be a terrible idea, I dont know, but sending an email wont hurt. Also, this doesnt have to be West Virginia, if you live in another rust belt state, thats fine. Its just very evident to me that the rural American worker feels like they aren't representated in government, and we need to fix that.

    Saturday, November 12, 2016


         President elect Donald Trump has made promises to the American people to "Make America great again." Im going to list some of those promises/pledges here, and will revisit these from time to time to see where we are with his promises.

    1. Increase the size of the U.S. military by these amounts: the Army to 540,000 active duty soldiers, which the Army Chief of Staff says he needs to execute current missions. Rebuild the U.S. Navy toward a goal of 350 ships, as the bipartisan National Defense Panel has recommended. Provide the U.S. Air Force with the 1,200 fighter aircraft they need. Grow the U.S. Marine Corps to 36 battalions. (I would be interested to hear how hes going to do this, what with recruiting and all....)

    2. Pay for this necessary rebuilding of our national defense by conducting a full audit of the Pentagon, eliminating incorrect payments, reducing duplicative bureaucracy, collecting unpaid taxes, and ending unwanted and unauthorized federal programs.

    3. Create a dynamic booming economy that will create 25 million new jobs over the next decade. (seems like he may be taking credit for others work on this one)

    4. Tell NAFTA partners that we intend to immediately renegotiate the terms of that agreement to get a better deal for our workers. If they don’t agree to a renegotiation, we will submit notice that the U.S. intends to withdraw from the deal. 
    5. Use every lawful presidential power to remedy trade disputes if China does not stop its illegal activities, including its theft of American trade secrets - including the application of tariffs 
    6. Transform America’s crumbling infrastructure into a golden opportunity for accelerated economic growth and more rapid productivity gains with a deficit-neutral plan targeting substantial new infrastructure investments.

    7. Create thousands of new jobs in construction, steel manufacturing, and other sectors to build the transportation, water, telecommunications and energy infrastructure needed to enable new economic development in the U.S., all of which will generate new tax revenues.

    8. Repeal and replace Obamacare with Health Savings Accounts (HSAs).

    9. Begin working on an impenetrable physical wall on the southern border, on day one. Mexico will pay for the wall.
    10. We’re going to save the coal industry (I couldnt find a lot about Coal on the campaign website, this was from a link to his 100 day plan, I would ask, what defines "saving the coal industry?" Right now there are according to the WV coal association 12,000 coal miners employed in WV today. According to the WV office of mine safety there was 15,000 miners at work in 2015 and about 20,000 in 2010, and about 28,000 back in 1990. So, what does he mean by "saving the coal industry?" Nationally in 1985 coal employeed 177,000 people, in 2008 it was 86,000 and today its 56,000).

    11. propose a Constitutional Amendment to impose term limits on all members of Congress; (Its been reported that Senate Majority leader McConnell isnt on board with this one, think he's worried about his job?)
    12. lift the Obama-Clinton roadblocks and allow vital energy infrastructure projects, like the Keystone Pipeline, to move forward (The blind squirrel found the nut, I agree with this one
    13. begin removing the more than 2 million criminal illegal immigrants from the country and cancel visas to foreign countries that won't take them back
    14. Through his tax plan he will grow the US economy by 4% a year.

    Those are 14 of his goals/promises/plans that he has made, with an emphasis on jobs/the economy, since thats why people say they voted for him. There are many more pledges/goals that he has set, just check out his website. Part of this he considers his pledge to America. I'll check back in from time to time to report on how he is doing with his pledge/goals.

    Thursday, November 10, 2016


         True to my word, my letter/email campaign for decency starts now. I'm on a mission to civilize. U.S. Senator for Arkansas Tom Cotton on CNN stated that waterboarding captured enemy combatants isnt torture, and that if the military needs to do it, so be it. So, the first question is, whats Waterboarding? According to google, Waterboarding is an interrogation technique simulating the experience of drowning, in which a person is strapped, face up, to a board that slopes downward at the head, while large quantities of water are poured over the face into the breathing passages. That sounds pretty terrible. Is it torture? 

    Waterboarding is, in fact, widely considered to meet the definition of torture in the United Nations Convention Against Torture, ratified in 1990 by the U.S. Senate. "Torture," it says, "means any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted on a person for such purpose as obtaining from him or her information of a confession" and when it is done with the consent of anyone acting in an official capacity. The International Committee of the Red Cross also considers waterboarding torture. And the U.S. executed half a dozen Japanese generals after World War II found guilty of torturing American prisoners of war with techniques that included water torture.

    Okay, so it is torture, why shouldn't the U.S. torture enemy combatants? 
    1. The Senate report on the CIA’s detention and interrogation program represents the most authoritative and comprehensive finding since the US launched its “war on terror” says that torture does not work.
    2. Arizona Senator John McCain, who was a POW for five and a half years, says this of torture: "I know from personal experience that the abuse of prisoners will produce more bad than good intelligence. I know that victims of torture will offer intentionally misleading information if they think their captors will believe it. I know they will say whatever they think their torturers want them to say if they believe it will stop their suffering." And most importantly 3. Senator John McCain also says of torture
    "the use of torture compromises that which most distinguishes us from our enemies, our belief that all people, even captured enemies, possess basic human rights."

         So, to review, Waterboarding is torture, is not effective and compromises our values and tarnishes our reputation around the world. So, here is my letter, sent to Senator Cotton, asking him to re-consider his position, as his opinion carries more than most (seeing as how hes a U.S. Senator and all).  

    To the honorable Senator Cotton,
         I saw on CNN today that you don't believe that Waterboarding is torture. The United Nations Convention Against Torture, ratified in 1990 by the U.S. Senate "Torture," it says, "means any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted on a person for such purpose as obtaining from him or her information of a confession" and when it is done with the consent of anyone acting in an official capacity. The International Committee of the Red Cross also considers waterboarding torture. And the U.S. executed half a dozen Japanese generals after World War II found guilty of torturing American prisoners of war with techniques that included water torture. Also, The Senate report on the CIA's detention and interrogation program represents the most authoritative and comprehensive finding since the US launched its “war on terror” says that torture does not work. Your fellow Senator John McCain I believe would tell you the same. I also believe that it compromises our values as Americans, and tarnishes our reputation around the world. Please re-consider your stance. I'm not one of your constituents, but I feel this is an important issue. Thank you for your time. 


    (your name here)

    You can find Senator Tom Cottons email if you follow the link in the right hand column titled U.S. Senate website.

    Wednesday, November 9, 2016


              A hero of mine growing up was my Uncle Jimmy who was killed in action while fighting the Korean war. He was always revered in my household. We had his letters he sent home while fighting the war. I read those letters more than once. His burial flag was given to my Grandparents and has been at my mothers house on the mantel centerpiece for years now. Veteran service and sacrifice is not something to be sneered at where I come from, or so I thought until this election. When Donald Trump said of John McCain "He’s not a war hero. He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured." I was livid. You dont say that about any P.O.W. without a huge backlash, particularly if you've never served in any capacity, or so I thought until the election.

         I joined the Marine Corps in 1999 to serve my country for many reasons. Partly because of the example that was set by my Uncle, to better myself and see the world, to protect our country from those who woud do it harm, etc. etc. So I did. While in, I met wonderful people from all over our great nation, serving a common good. A lesson we learn early on is, "there are no black or white Marines, you are all green." So when I hear Donald Trump disparaging any group of people, I can think back to a fellow Marine and think "he's bad mouthing a friend who has served their country." Whether hes talking about Mexican immigrants: "The U.S. has become a dumping ground for everybody else's problems. It's true. And these aren't the best and the finest. When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime, they're rapists — and some, I assume, are good people." "I think Judge Curiel should be ashamed of himself. I think it’s a disgrace that he’s doing this. ... The judge, who happens to be, we believe, Mexican. ... I think the Mexicans are going to end up loving Donald Trump."
    or when he's talking about mistreating women: "You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever. In my opinion, she was off-base."
    "Look at that face! Would anyone vote for that? Can you imagine that — the face of our next president!?" Or when he declines to disavow racists who hate some of my fellow Marines: "I don’t know. I don’t know, did he endorse me or what’s going on, because, you know, I know nothing about David Duke. I know nothing about white supremacists. ... I have to look at the group. I mean, I don’t know what group you’re talking about. You wouldn’t want me to condemn a group that I know nothing about." All these things and more that I havent listed make me mad. I thought that America agreed with me, until the election. 

         Election night was shameful for our country and my state. The bully won. In spite of everything he said in the above paragraphs and more, hes won. I was rather upset all night, I couldnt sleep thinking about everything that I believe in versus what our countries voters believe. That lead me to think about how the electorate works, that Hillary could still win more votes, perhaps by two hundred thousand, and still lose the election. So, yes, I along with my fellow Democrats have been knocked down to the mat by the bully. That doesnt mean we have to stay there. Like Rockys trainer Micky said "I didnt hear no bell!" If you know me, you know thats not possible for me to do. I'm encouraging you to stand up and fight for what I hope are our shared American values. Heres my plan:

         1. We as Democrats need to show the world (Russia, China, Iran, North Korea) that just because the better, more vote attaining side lost, does not mean we are going to let democracy fail. We have to give President Elect Trump a chance. We need to encourage what few remaining Democrats we have in congress not to just automatically filibuster every bill/appointment that comes through. We need to allow Democracy to work as it was intended, not what the Republicans have done in the last eight years. Obviously, there may come a time when the filibuster may come in handy, but not at first. WE HAVE TO GIVE PRESIDENT TRUMP A CHANCE.
         2. We need to make our voices be heard by our representatives in Congress, regardless of whether or not they are a Democrat or a Republican. WE HAVE TO BE ENGAGED IN THE POLITICAL PROCESS, NOW MORE THAN EVER. I'll try to help. I can post some form letters on here so all you have to do is copy/paste and send a letter/email yourself regarding issues that come up. 
         3. WE NEED TO STAND UP TO BIGOTRY. When we hear our politicians saying bigotted things, we need to call them out on it, via email and social media. We need to shine a spotlight on the hate, so the country cannot ignore it. I'll do my best to share form letters concerning this as well. In the right hand column is the link to the US congress website where you can find email and mailing addresses to all the members of congress.
         4. In 2018 we have a mid-term election, WE NEED TO GET OUT THE VOTE. We have to stress the importance to our family and friends of the importance to get involved.
         5. In 2020 we have to all be involved in the Democratic primary process. If you are a independent, or Never Trump Republican, switch over, help us nominate the best possible candidate, BE INVOLVED IN THE PROCESS!