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Friday, December 2, 2016


     I've said before that the President Elect should be able to choose who he wants to be in his cabinet, and as long as they are qualified, they should be approved. I write today in support of General Mattis for Secretary of Defense, and to ask you, dear reader, to call your congressman and Senators to get the waiver the general needs to serve as Secretary of Defense. The law says that a general must be out of the military for seven years before he can serve in this capacity. I think when you are through reading my blog on the General, you too will feel at ease with his appointment l, and will want to call your congressman write a letter/email to your congressman asking them to approve the waiver.
     I first came to hear of General Mattis in funny memes passed around facebook by my Marine friends, and they were funny, in an albeit twisted way. Follow the web address below for examples. Here is my list of why we should support General Mattis:

     1. He has combat experience in the middle east.
     2. He was the head of U.S. Central command (middle east)
     3. He doesn't like the Nuclear arms deal with Iran, but believes we have to keep it. He calls it a pause on Iran's Nuclear ambitions.
     4. He is not afraid to tell truth to power
     5. He was the Supreme Allied Commander of NATO transformation
     6. He believes in the two state solution for Israel and Palestine
     7. Mattis currently splits his time between Stanford and Dartmouth as a distinguished fellow, conducting research and giving lectures on leadership and strategy.
     8. He sees the aggression Russia has towards Ukraine, which I believe should be pointed out to our President Elect.
     9. As his division prepared to ship out, Mattis called in experts in Arab culture to lead cultural sensitivity classes. and.......
     10. he wanted his men to grow mustaches to look more like the people they were working with.
     11. Hes against torture including water boarding, and didn't mind telling Pres. Elect Trump that's what he thought. 
     Knowing all that, it reassures me that he understands the importance of NATO, the scariness of nuclear proliferation, Putin is not a person to be friends with, he has first hand experience with battle (so he wont take the prospect of war lightly) and he understands that wars aren't completely fought on the battlefield, that treating non-combatants with respect helps to win hearts and minds. I don't know if President elect Trump agrees with any of this, making General Mattis all that more valuable to the administration, America and the world. 

     So, please, find your Senator and Congressman's phone number in the links on the right, and ask them to support the waiver, and the nomination of General Mattis for Secretary of Defense.

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