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Saturday, January 27, 2018



     This last Thursday night, my wife and I hosted Pub Quiz as a way of getting my name and priorities as a candidate out to the people. I hope after the night of trivia, more people are considering voting for me, Roger Vannoy, in the West Virginia State House of Delegates district 42 Democratic primary. I hope more people are willing to vote for me because they believe in our ideas to make West Virginia better. It was a lot of fun, going to the Irish Pub on Washington Street always is (thanks to that establishment for allowing me to host trivia!). Now, I want to share with you, my readers, my rounds of trivia! (My wife had sections, but they were audio identification of cartoon theme songs, and famous songs by their unique exclamations). The questions will come first, and after that the answers.


     I believe that the state and federal governments can have a positive impact on people's lives, but they need the money to run all of our favorite programs. Programs like Medicaid, public education, PEIA, etc. etc. That's why I believe West Virginia should LEGALIZE RECREATIONAL MARIJUANA!

1. True or False: Marijuana is carcinogen free.

2. True or False Smoking Marijuana is not safe for Pregnant women.

3. States that have passed Medical Marijuana laws have seen their percentage of opioid overdose deaths drop by %____on average.

A %13.2
B %14.8
C %6.5
D %24.8

4. After Colorado legalized recreational Marijuana, opioid overdose deaths dropped by what percentage?

A %13.2
B %14.8
C %6.5  
D %24.8

5. After legalizing recreational Marijuana in July of 2017, Nevada has seen an additional ____ million dollars in state tax revenue?

A. 40 million dollars
B. 35 million dollars
C. 10 million dollars
D. 20 million dollars

6. In 2015, how many full time jobs did recreational marijuana create in Colorado?

A. 50 thousand
B. 18 thousand
C. 25 thousand
D. 30 thousand

7. True or False: Decriminalization and legalization of marijuana mean the same thing.

8. According to the Washington Post estimates, in 2016, how many Americans were arrested for marijuana related crimes only?

A. 587,000
B. 110,000
C. 313,000
D. 5,000

9. What percentage of Americans support the legalization of marijuana?

A. 64%
B. 51%
C. 35%
D. 23%  

10. True or False If elected to the West Virginia State House of Delegates, Roger Vannoy would work for the legalization of recreational marijuana?

Answers to round 1:

1. Answer: False. Marijuana smoke contains Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, which are carcinogenic. In fact, marijuana second hand smoke has a bigger concentration of PAH than tobacco second hand smoke. We had a discussion on this one during Pub quiz, people were wanting a separation between marijuana smoke and other forms. I'm trying to point out that marijuana is not completely safe, regardless of route, but I see now that my source only concerns marijuana smoke. So, retroactively, everyone from Pub quiz gets a point for this question, due to the poor design of the question. 

2. True. According to studies on pregnant animals, marijuana may inhibit neural development.

3. D. Via the NIH.

4. C.

5. D.

6. B.

7. False. Decriminalizing means you wont be arrested for having small amounts of Marijuana, but may face a fine. Legalization means you face no penalty at all. It also means new industry and tax revenue.

8. A.

9. A.

10. True. Source: me.

Trivia ROUND 2: After we legalize recreational marijuana, West Virginia will have more state tax revenue (assuming the Republican politicians don't repeal the state income tax as they tried to do in 2017). The question now is, what to do with that money? Which brings us to our next category, WAGES.

1. What is the current minimum wage in West Virginia?

A. $8.75/hour 
B. $7.50/hour
C. $5.25/hour
D. $10.10/hour

2. How many people, employed in West Virginia, would benefit from a minimum wage increase?

A. 55,000
B. 78,000
C. 124,000 
D. 30,000

3. What would be considered a “living wage” for a single adult by the West Virginia Center on Budget and Policy?

A. $8.75/hour
B. $10.00/hour 
C. $9.00/hour
D. $9.50/hour

4. What is the starting salary for West Virginia correctional officers?

A. $24,600 
B. $30,300
C. $40,800
D. $35,900

5. What is the starting salary for Virginia correctional officers?

A. $40,000
B. $38,000
C. $31,000 
D. $20,000

6. How many vacancies are there for correctional officers in West Virginia at this time?

A. 100
B. 200
C. 300 
D. 400

Call your state Senator in support of Senate Bill 262 which will give State correctional officers a pay raise, increasing by 6,000 dollars a year over a three year period.

Senator Stephen Baldwin: (304) 357-7959

Senator Kenny Mann: (304) 357-7849

7. What is the starting salary for West Virginia teachers? 

A. $38,000
B. $33,000 
C. $22,500

West Virginia’s average salary is 45 thousand dollars a year, which ranks 46th nationally.

8. What is the average salary for Virginia Teachers?

A. $45,800 dollars/year
B. $42,100 dollars/year
C. $65,300 dollars/year
D. $50,800 dollars/year 

FYI New York ranks number 1 with 79 thousand dollars a year, and South Dakota ranks 51 with 42 thousand dollars per year.

9. What is the current unemployment rate for West Virginia?

A. 4%
B. 5% 
C. 6%
D. 7% 

10. Yes or NO: If Roger Vannoy were elected to the West Virginia House of Delegates, would he work to raise the minimum wage, and increase Teacher and Correctional officer salaries?


1. A

2. C.

3. B

4. A.

5. C

6. C

7. B

8. D

9. B

10 Yes (source: me)

ROUND 3: I didn't want to continue putting my crowd to sleep with statistics, so I had a round based on my culture, NERD CULTURE!

1. Name the seven Captains from any one of the Star Trek series. A point for each one you name!

2. Who wrote “Slaughterhouse five” and “Cat's Cradle”?

3. What is Thor’s last name?

4. In the comic books, the Avengers did not originally include this character. Which character was their first recruit?

Bonus point if you can name this characters secret identity.

Bonus point number 2 if you can list all the original Avengers. A point for each.

5. Name the main character from “the Walking Dead.”

Bonus point if you can name the creator of "the Walking Dead." 

6. In Irish mythology, what does a Banshee’s scream signify?

7. Which International soccer/football team has won 5 FIFA World Cups?

8. Which Steven Spielberg movie, coming out this March, will have all these famous characters/vehicles included on screen

The DeLorean from “Back to the future”
Chuckie the doll
The Iron Giant
King Kong
The Joker

9. In the “Game of Thrones” TV series, which character is “The King in the North?”

10. In the Hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy, what does the number “42” represent?  

Answers to Round 3:

1. Captain Kirk
Captain Picard
Captain Sisko
Captain Janeway
Captain Archer
Captain Lorca
Captain Pike

2. Kurt Vonnegut

3. Odinson

4. Captain America, his sort of secret identity is Steve Rogers. The original Avengers consisted of Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Ant-man and Wasp.

5. Rick Grimes. Creator: Robert Kirkman

6. A Banshee's scream signifies that someone is about to die.

7. Brazil

8. Ready player one

9. Jon Snow

10. The ultimate question, to life, the Universe, everything.


FYI. The Primary election will be held on May 8th 2018.

Early voting is from April 25th through May 5th. 

If you are not registered to vote, go to the WV Secretary of State's office website, and get registered to vote!



Here I'am grading pub quiz answers.

Image may contain: 1 person, sitting

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