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Monday, January 29, 2018


     As a candidate for political office, I have received my first survey from a group that is looking to endorse candidates. That survey is from the AFL-CIO, and I would really like to have their endorsement. Their questions are pertinent to today's economic condition, and I thought I would share my essay/responses with you, the voter/reader, as you may find these issues important as well.

     My name is Roger Vannoy, I’m a father of two, a husband, a Marine veteran and an RN. I work 8 am to 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday. My wife works as a contracted state employee in Greenbrier county as a Sanitarian. My mother was a teacher and member of AFT. My brother is also a teacher and member of AFT. My father was a construction worker.

     I see, on a personal level, how the working class is struggling here in West Virginia. The minimum wage is so low, some people think its not worth it to work a minimum wage job. Maybe that’s why West Virginia only has a 53 percent labor force participation rate. Teachers and state employees year after year have more money taken from them because PEIA charges more and covers less. Correctional officers in West Virginia work a hazardous job, for the least amount of pay for their profession in the country. All while the Republican controlled West Virginia state legislature continues to give tax breaks to the wealthy and to corporations.

    If elected to office, I would support repealing the “right to work” legislation, as its really a right to bust unions legislation. I would support reinstating “prevailing wage.” My mother will tell you, when Dad had a prevailing wage job, things were financially a little easier. I would support increasing the minimum wage to 10 dollars an hour. The West Virginia center on budget and policy states that 10 dollars an hour is the very lowest a wage can go and still be considered a living wage. A minimum wage increase would assist 124 thousand West Virginian’s make ends meet. I would support fully funding PEIA, giving teachers and state employees a pay raise and increasing COLA benefits for retirees.

     I would not, however, support “Buy American only” legislation to essentially require the purchase of American made goods with tax payer dollars. If the USA were to enact these kinds of laws, other countries like Canada (whom West Virginia does a lot of business with), Mexico, the European Union, etc. etc will enact similar laws against us. This legislation would create a trade war, a war which America loses. There are more people to sell to outside of the USA than in it. We should be creating trade deals that make going to other countries to manufacture goods less appealing to companies. Trade deals that eliminate child labor in sweatshops, and create workers rights in countries where there are none.

     In conclusion, I hope that you, the AFL-CIO are able to endorse me in the Democratic primary for West Virginia’s state house of delegates 42nd district.  Thank you for considering endorsing me as a candidate,

Next, these are my answers to their questionnaire.

Question 1. Would you support or oppose repealing the Workplace Freedom Act, also known as "right to work"?

     Answer: I would support repealing "right to work."

Question 2. Would you support or oppose reinstating the Prevailing Wage for workers on publicly funded construction projects?

     Answer: I would support reinstating Prevailing Wage. Prevailing wage is a pay scale that respects tradesmen (Masons, carpenters, electricians, plumbers, etc.) by paying them a wage that equals their skills. These men and women work hard at their jobs, and their skills are needed in our society, and should be valued.

Question 3. Would you support or oppose increasing the safety requirements for West Virginia workers, in particular strengthening coal mine safety standards?

     Answer: I would support increasing safety requirements. My brother in law is a coal miner, and periodically, so is one of my nephews. I absolutely would support legislation that would keep them safe.

Question 4. Would you support or oppose the enactment of the strongest possible "Buy American" and "Buy local" legislation to essentially require the purchase of American made goods with tax payer dollars?

     Answer: I would not, support “Buy American only” legislation. See the essay below for more details.

Question 5A. Would you support or oppose pay raises for West Virginia teachers and state employees (including corrections and state police officers)?

     Answer: I would support pay raises for Teachers and state employees.

Question 5B. Would you support fully funding the Public Employee Insurance Agency (PEIA)?

     Answer: I would support fully funding PEIA.

Question 5C. Would you support or oppose providing a Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) for retired public employees?

     Answer: I would support increasing COLA for retired public employees.
     In summary, I believe that these issues raised by the AFL-CIO are important. Except for the one issue, I believe the AFL-CIO and I are in lock step with one another. I hope thats not going cause me to lose their endorsement. I believe in these issues, and I want to see them come to fruition. That's why its important that all West Virginians vote this year. I'am absolutely willing to compromise with the opposing side, but the more Democrats that are elected, the less I will have to compromise. Step one is finding the funds to increase wages, fund PEIA and increase COLA for retirees. If we want to do that by increasing taxes on the wealthy, then the West Virginia state legislature is going to have to be brimming with Democrats. That seems to be an unlikely scenario. Whats more likely is we are going to have to come up with creative solutions to our lack of revenue that both sides can compromise on. Legalizing recreational marijuana can bring in some much needed dollars, as can legalizing sports betting. Making Sunday fully available to hunters during hunting season, instead of just on private property, can make West Virginia a much more attractive place for hunters and their dollars. Compromise will be paramount in accomplishing these tasks. I hope that the AFL-CIO will endorse me, and I hope that you will vote for me, in the West Virginia Democratic primary for the state house of delegates 42nd district on May 8th.

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