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Sunday, August 6, 2017


     This summer, something remarkable happened. I'm sure you've heard about it, moderate Republican Senators Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Susan Collins of Maine stood with all Democratic Senators to protect the health insurance for not just Obamacare/Medicaid recipients, but everyone with health insurance. They also helped to protect the American health care worker. Make no mistake my friends, had the repeal taken place, many people would have lost their jobs. If there are fewer insured Americans, then hospitals, nursing homes and home health agencies would lose business. So, I have a recommendation for everyone who hasn't already done so. Call not only our two moderate Republican heroes, but also our Democratic Senators. Senator Joe Manchin (D) of WV, voted to protect American citizens from these heinous Obamacare repeal bills. The Senator is from a deeply Republican/pro Trump state, but the Senator stood up and voted to protect our citizens, in spite of what President Trump and the Republican party wanted. That took guts. It took guts for other moderate Democrats from red states too, like Senators Heitcamp from North Dakota, Senator Tester from Montana, Senator McCaskill from Missouri and Senator Donnelly from Indiana. If you haven't done so already, call these Senators offices, or email them, and thank them. Even if you are not from their state, do so anyway. Positive reinforcement works with everyone, and with the way the rest of the Republicans are most likely treating them, along with the President, I imagine they could use some positive words. Listed below are 2 phone numbers to choose from and web sites for all these Senators. If your phone plan wont allow long distance, or you just don't want to use the phone, simply use the web address and email your support via the listed website. All you have to do is say thanks for protecting health insurance for all Americans.

Senator Manchin (WV) - Charleston office: 304-342-5855
                                       D.C. office: 202-224-3954

Image result for Senator Joe Manchin

Senator Collins (Maine) - Augusta office: (207) 622-8414
                                            D.C. office: (202)224-2523
Image result for Senator Collins

Senator Murkowski (Alaska) - Anchorage office: (907) 271-3735
                                           D. C. Office:  (202)-224-6665
Image result for Senator Murkowski

Senator Heitcamp (North Dakota) - Fargo office: (701) 232-8030
                                                        D.C. office:  (202) 224-2043

Image result for Senator Heitkamp

Senator Tester (Montana) - Butte office: (406) 723-3277
                                           D.C. office: (202) 224-2644
Image result for Senator Tester

Senator McCaskill (Missouri) - St. Louis office: (314) 367-1364
                                                    D.C. office: (202) 224-6154
Image result for Senator McCaskill

Senator Donnelly (Indiana) - Indanapolis office (317) 226-5555
                                                      D.C. office (202) 224-4814
Image result for Senator Joe Donnelly

Also, I want to say thanks to Forbes and the Washington Post for these great articles, and for the pictures.

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