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Tuesday, August 21, 2018



     This November, West Virginia's 10th Senate district will decide who will be representing them in the West Virginia State Senate. We are currently represented by Senator Stephen Baldwin. A few things that most voters could tell you about the Senator are: 1. Senator Baldwin is a Presbyterian minister in Ronceverte, WV. 2. He is one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet. 3. He's a family man with a wife and an adorable little boy. 4. He is a Democrat. 5. Alongside his fellow Democrats, he stood up for Teachers and state employees in the Teacher strike earlier in 2018. 6. He has a Masters degree in Divinity from Vanderbilt University 7. He served the district as Delegate in the West Virginia House of Delegates previously 8. He has also served on the Greenbrier county School Board of Education.

     I first met Senator Baldwin a couple of years ago while attending a debate he was participating in as part of his 2016 campaign for Delegate. I've had conversations with the Senator, and I have always come away from those conversations with the feeling that West Virginia's 10th Senate district is in good hands. We may not always see eye to eye, but I know that the Senator is sincere and thoughtful concerning what he believes, and how he votes. For example, this past session, a bill was in front of the Senate that wanted to put a constitutional amendment on the ballot in the state of West Virginia. The Amendment's purpose was to say that there is not a constitutional right to abortions in the state of West Virginia, with no exceptions. As I have stated before, the Senator is a Presbyterian Minister. The Senator wrestled with the decision of whether to vote for or against putting this amendment on the ballot. The Senator is pro-life, but chose to vote against the amendment because of the inclusion of "no exceptions". "No exceptions" means that rape, incest or scenarios threatening the life of the mother have no bearing on whether or not the state will allow an abortion to happen. The amendment punishes women in circumstances that may be out of their control and could threaten their lives. I applaud him for making this tough, and very considerate decision in an effort to look out for the health and well being of women. That's what the people of the 10th Senate district need, an individual that will do more than just take the "party line" on difficult issues. To read the Senate joint resolution 12, which is what the amendment is also known as, click the link below. Also, there is a video on the Senator's facebook page, where he discusses his difficult decision.

     During the Democratic primary Senator Baldwin was endorsed by WVEA, WV State Police Troopers Association, UMWA, WVSSPA, AFL-CIO and by AFT.

     This past session, the Senator introduced/sponsored bills to:

 1. Drug test legislators.

2. Establish tax credits for college graduates who remain in the state. I love this one, a sentiment I'm sure is shared by my fellow nurse and teacher friends.

3. Legalize sports betting. This will bring in much needed revenue for the state from a previously illegal activity that was happening regardless.

4. Provide teachers with tax credits for out of pocket classroom expenses.

5. Put some of the responsibilty for our current Opioid crisis back onto the opioid manufacturers.

6. Create a non partisian group to redistrict the house of delegates, when appropriate.

7. Secure funding for additional stream gauges for earlier flood warnings.

There are other bills as well, but these were my favorites.

     Senator Baldwin knows that a good economy cures a lot of ills in our state. That's why Senator Baldwin worked to save "Train Days" in Hinton. He was talking with Amtrak and the Governor's office to come up with solutions for a problem that would have been economically devastating for both Hinton and West Virginia. Thanks to Senator Baldwin, and his colleagues, Hinton's "Train Days" will continue.

      Senator Baldwin is well aware that the Opioid crisis is the elephant in the room that needs be addressed. Here is a recent facebook statement from Senator Baldwin concerning the Opioid crisis:
     "People call me asking for help each day. It breaks my heart when I can’t help them. Last week, three people called me looking for drug treatment options for their family members. 
Lord willing, I can soon refer them to Recovery Point West Virginia’s planned Mount Hope facility. It will have 140 beds for an abstinence-based program with proven results. Unfortunately, the operational funds they expected to receive from the state aren’t there due to budget cuts over the last few years.
I worked with local officials to arrange a meeting today to get all the players around the same table. Everyone expressed a desire to make it happen one way or another.
The drug crisis costs us $8.8BILLION per year. We spend $53/day to incarcerate a person. We can treat a person for less than half that.
Our region desperately needs this important tool so we can begin rebuilding our fractured families."

     The Senator recommends everyone read this article about the epidemic in our home state:

     Candidates during the Democratic primary were asked to provide a candidate profile, Senator Baldwin provided his to the local newspaper, and his facebook page, which is where I found it. Here it is:

April 5, 2018
Senator Stephen Baldwin is a native and resident of Ronceverte. He is married to his college sweetheart, Kerry, and they have a son, Harrison, who is 18 months old.
Stephen serves as pastor of Ronceverte Presbyterian Church, where he leads the congregation and runs a faith-based community service program he created in 2011. He was elected to the Greenbrier County Board of Education in 2012, the House of Delegates in 2016, and appointed to the Senate in 2017.
He practices transparency by keeping folks updated on social media and via regular newspaper columns. The community knows him as a “genuine” guy with a “reasonable” approach to public service.
What are the three most important problems the Legislature needs to address?
First, as a pastor and new father I’m convinced of the importance of being pro-all-of-life. Politicians in Charleston rightfully want to protect the unborn. As they absolutely should. But they lose focus on the value of life after that. What about children who go hungry when they’re not in school? What about abused and neglected children who are protected by agencies that have seen budget cut after budget cut? What about high school graduates who cannot find jobs here? What about women’s health care and the rare but real circumstances where childbirth threatens their lives? What about seniors who cannot afford their prescriptions? We must be pro-all-of-life. Numbers on spreadsheets and words on bills do not convey the weight of the fact that the legislature makes decisions that affect our lives. I believe in protecting the sacred value of life. All of it.
Second, we must enact a reasonable plan to stem the drug crisis. Law enforcement works hard every day on cutting the “supply” of drugs. We need to simultaneously focus our efforts on “demand.” We need treatments facilities, faith-based recovery programs, and drug courts. I offered a bill to pay for it all at no cost to taxpayers, by imposing a fine on the companies who made fortunes off our misery by selling millions of pills to every little town across the state, but the legislature rejected it. They were afraid of upsetting the drug companies. Unbelievable! Once folks are clean, they need jobs. A job provides purpose and hope for the future. It’s time for us to embrace the modern economy--tourism, creativity, technology, healthcare, rare metals (which power our technology), and industrial hemp. In doing so, we can improve our economy and stem the drug crisis in one fell swoop.
Third, the legislature itself is a big part of the problem. They are elected to help us, the people. But all too often, they use their office to help themselves. I’ve proposed and supported term limits, fully open primaries, campaign finance reforms, drug testing of legislators, and ending special session pay. Until we are represented by a group of our best and brightest who are there to help, without any personal agenda, we will not move forward as a state. No matter which party is in charge. The real issue is that we need good, genuine people who will be transparent about the policy choices they make. So please get out and vote!"

     It is clear from Senator Baldwin's bills and actions, where his priorities are: helping the working class, flood damage mitigation/recovery, adding revenue to our state budget and ending the opioid crisis. Senator Baldwin is exactly the person that the West Virginia 10th Senate district needs. That's why I will proudly vote for Senator Baldwin in November, and that's why I'm asking you to vote for him as well. If you want a West Virginia that works for the working class, that cares about the future, that wants a West Virginia that can support young people's dreams and aspirations, then you need to vote this November. I encourage you to vote for Senator Baldwin. Change only comes when we fight for it.

If you would like to read more about Senator Baldwin, search for "Senator Stephen Baldwin - WV" on facebook.

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Monday, August 13, 2018


     This upcoming election in November will feature the two returning perennial contenders, the Republicans vs the Democrats. However, West Virginia also has third parties, meaning parties other than the mainstays. These parties include "the Mountain Party", "the Libertarian party," etc. etc. Voters may wonder if they should vote for the third party, and information isn't easily available. Now, I'm a fierce defender of the people's right to vote for who they like, not settling for candidates of the major parties. Having said that, in the recent special election in Ohio's 12th congressional district, 1,100 people voted for the green party candidate. A Green party candidate that may, or may not, believe he is descended from Aliens. From another planet, not illegal aliens from Mexico. He is certainly something of a conspiracy theorist. 

     If people are going to vote for third party candidates, we really should know who we are voting for. The voting machine only tells you the candidates name, party, and what town they're from. So, I thought I would do the voters of West Virginia a favor, and review these races. So, without further ado, lets begin!

U.S. Senate:

Democrat: Senator Joe Manchin. Centrist Joe Manchin votes with the Republicans 60 percent of the time. He is the most conservative Democrat. If he were a Republican, he would be the most Liberal Republican. If you're a West Virginian, you know who Joe Manchin is. Senator Manchin defends Social Security Benefits and Medicare. Senator Manchin voted against the recent tax cuts passed by the Republican Congress. Senator Manchin knows that America cant afford the gigantic tax cut for the wealthy that the Republicans passed. Senator Manchin has in the past spoken out against wars, saying that the money spent in Afghanistan and Iraq could be better spent here in West Virginia, for West Virginians. Senator Manchin has voted to approve more appointees in the Trump Administration than any other Democrat.

Republican: Patrick Morrisey. Attorney General Morrisey used to be a pharmaceutical lobbyist and his wife still is. Patrick Morrisey is not from West Virginia, he is from New Jersey. He is not a serious candidate, I know because on the first page that comes up on his website is a picture of Hillary Clinton. AG Morrisey is playing politics, right from the word go. Hillary Clinton is sitting at home, she has nothing to do with the U.S. government, there is no reason even to mention her. Other than to score cheap, meaningless political points. A serious candidate would care about the issues more.

Libertarian: Rusty Hollen. Wants to legalize cannabis, in his words.Wants to abolish income tax. He is anti-war. He is against the Trump tariffs, and any tariffs. He is for the legalization of prostitution. It looks like he is against the series of travel bans that the Trump Administration has put into effect.

     Contrary to what many may have heard, these are the candidates on the Secretary of State's website. There are rumors about other candidates, but this is the list of candidates.

My advice: Senator Joe Manchin is not the perfect candidate, but he has my vote. I like some of what the Libertarian Rusty Hollen says, but abolishing the income tax is an awful idea that would be devastating for the country.

U.S. House of Representatives District 2

- Wikipedia

Democrat: Talley Sargent is from Huntington West Virginia. Worked for Senator Rockefeller in his Capitol office. She went from there to work for the U.S. State department, fighting human trafficking and modern day slavery around the world. She wants every West Virginian to have health care. She believes the age Americans should be eligible for Medicare should be lowered to 50. She is against the recent tax cuts passed by the Republican Congress to benefit the wealthy. She was endorsed by the Charleston Gazette in the Democratic primary election.

Republican: Alex Mooney has worked hard to defund the ACA, and is proud of it. Alex Mooney is proud of voting to reduce taxes on the wealthy and corporations. Alex Mooney has proposed to defund stream protection. Alex Mooney is also against protecting the Ozone. All this you can find on his website. Now for things you wont find on his website. During the 2016 flood that devastated West Virginia, Alex Mooney was absent. His attention was elsewhere when his constituents were in trouble. Also Alex Mooney has defended the separation of children from their parents on the Mexican border.

Mountain Party: Daniel Lutz Jr. He is a Vietnam War veteran, a retired Major of the Air Force. He favors a single payer national health care system for all Americans. Unfortunately, I was unable to find out much more. See the links below for a few more details.

My advice: I would vote for Talley Sergeant in the 2nd district race. I like what I could find about Daniel Lutz, but I wasn't able to find much.

WV State Senate District 4

Democrat: Brian Prim is against "right to work" and the repeal of "prevailing wage." His law firm is working with other local businesses to help area students with getting school supplies. Brian Prim is endorsed by AFT in the general election. He was endorsed by the AFL CIO in the primary. He is your generic Democrat.

Republican: Eric Tarr is a Physical Therapist. He is your generic Republican. Pro gun rights, anti choice, anti taxes on anybody, doesn't think "elective health care is a right", He works on the chamber of commerce in Putnam county. Mr. Tarr is a continuation of what is in the Senate right now. For more, go to his website 

Independent: Amy Grady is a teacher who is not interested in having the teacher's union (AFT) endorsement. She states she would have declined the endorsement because she says ".the union voted to demand that all of its endorsed candidates support universal health care, free tuition at public colleges, free child care, and taxing the rich to fund schools..." To expect all of these things is irresponsible and unrealistic." That's from her campaign's facebook page. She says that she decided to run during the Teacher work stoppage. That we need more teachers and women in elected office.

My advice: I would vote for Brian Prim. I don't know Amy Grady, but I'm sure she is a nice person. She sees there are problems, and wants to help. I applaud her for that. However, Mr. Prim has been endorsed by the AFT, and fixing our state through politics has been a passion for him for years now. Do a google search and you will find articles about him running for office in 2016. He cares about the working class, and I hope the good people of the 4th Senatorial district elect him in November.

West Virginia House of Delegates District 2

Democrat: Delegate Phillip Diserio is a retired electrician. He was the President of the Brooke county labor council, the regional planning commission, former member of the West Virginia Parkway Authority and member of the IBEW. He is against "right to work" and the repeal of "prevailing wage", that's me reading between the lines. Delegate Disero doesn't say he is against "right to work" and the "repeal of prevailing wage." Delegate Diserio was endorsed by just about every organized labor group there is. Unfortunately, I cannot tell you what legislation Delegate Diserio has worked on, because I cant find it on the Legislature's website. He may not have created any legislation. Check for yourself Also, check out Delegate Diserio's website for more:

Independent: Trevor Barnhart says that he is running as an independent because he feels there is too much inparty fighting and wants to represent the people, and not a party. He is 25 and a father of two. He is for decriminalizing all drugs. He states that he supported the Teachers 100 percent during the work stoppage. 

My advice: I would probably vote for Phillip Diserio. He has a mountain of experience working for the state of West Virginia, and I would not want to lose that. Having said that, Trevor Barnhart seems like a nice guy.

West Virginia House of Delegates District 6

Democrat: T. Chris Combs wants to repeal "right to work." Chris Combs is endorsed by the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, the laborers International Union of North America. During the primary he was endorsed by the building and construction trades PAC, the AFL CIO, the UMWA, the WVSSPA PAC, AFT. He is against the recent tariffs because they lead to higher costs to consumers. He is a strong supporter of "right to life" and the second amendment. He is against co-tenancy, that's where natural gas companies can take your natural gas against your wishes. He stood with the teachers during the work stoppage. Chris Combs has run previously for the House of Delegates. Most of this you can find on his campaign facebook page.

Republican: David Kelly is a former correctional officer, deputy and Sheriff for two terms. He served as chairman for the legislative committee for the WV Sheriffs association. He is also a pastor at a local church. He is currently on the Tyler county commission. He supports the constitutional amendment on the ballot this November. Endorsed by the West Virginians for life. During the primary he was endorsed by the WV Farm PAC. He received a high rating from the NRA. His statements on his facebook page supported teachers and public employees during the work stoppage.

Independent: J. Scott Beaver is an Air Force veteran and a former member of the AFL CIO. He wants to increase the taxes on Natural gas. For more, go to

My advice: This race is tough. Democrat Chris Combs is pro worker, but anti choice. What does being a strong supporter of the 2nd amendment mean? Republican David Kelly is an experienced public servant, and may be more pro-worker than many of his Republican colleagues, but he is endorsed by right to life and also received a high rating from the NRA. There is not as much separation there as a progressive would like. The independent Scott Beaver is a Veteran, which makes me (a veteran) feel some degree of loyalty to. I like the idea of taxing the Natural gas industry more, and my light investigative journalism cant find anything that reveals him to be a weirdo. I think the people of the WV HOD district 6 are safe to vote for Scott Beaver if they would like to.

West Virginia House of Delegates District 13

Democrat: Delegate Scott Brewer is a union carpenter. During this past session he created bills intended to reduce taxes on working families, to help veterans and displaced coal miners find jobs, to re-establish prevailing wage, to repeal right to work. He stood with the teachers, state employees and CWA during their recent struggles. He is against co-tenenacy, which would force landowners to sell natural gas rights. He is a board member on the Mason County Economic Development Authority and the Charleston Area Alliance Economic Development Committee. He is a member of the Union Sportsman Alliance.

Republican: Scott Cadle is endorsed by the right to life, and during the primary was endorsed by the WV BIC. He is a small business owner. He is a member of the NRA, and the 505 local teamsters union. I found this information on his campaign's facebook page.

Republican: Delegate Joshua Higginbotham was born in 1996. He is attending the University of Charleston in History and Political Science. Member of the NRA, the Putnam county Farm Bureau. He had one piece of legislation regarding medical monitoring this past session. His website, at the time I'm writing this, is pretty blank. Check it out for yourself.

Independent: Todd Mullins is a custodian at Leon elementary. He took part in work stoppage demonstrations in Charleston. He is a member of the 4-H club. I found this information on his campaign's facebook page.

My advice: You can vote for two, I would recommend only voting for Delegate Scott Brewer. The Independent Todd Mullins is my second choice, only if you feel you have to utilize your second vote.

West Virginia House of Delegates District 15

Democrat: Casey Horton works at habitat for humanity according to Ballotopedia. According to his facebook page, it looks like he is for the legalization of recreational Cannabis. He is for teachers and state employees. Unfortunately, I was unable to find more.

Republican: Delegate Geoff Foster is a construction worker. It doesn't look like he created any legislation this past session. Delegate Foster is the assistant Majority leader in the House. I was unable to find a website or facebook page for the Delegates campaign. Feel free to search for yourself. Good luck.,%20G

Independent: Theresa Jackson is a Teacher and a mother. She went to the "Pride parade" in Charleston on June 2nd. She is for legalizing recreational cannabis. She has been a consistent supporter and promoter of Teachers and State employees issues. I found this information on her Campaign's facebook page.

My advice: I really like the Jackson campaign, not enough however to vote for her. I like the Democrat nearly as well, and I feel his chances of winning are much better. The information in this race is anemic.

West Virginia House of Delegates District 22

Democrat: Bill Bryant says he supports coal 100 percent on his campaigns facebook page. He wants lower taxes for all West Virginians. He has a degree from Marshall University.

Democrat: Gary McCallister is endorsed by the AFL CIO and the UMWA in the primary. I couldn't find a web page of any sort dedicated to his campaign.

Republican: Joseph Jeffries is a truck driver. He belongs to the Putnam county Republican club, Culloden fire department, and the West Virginia Citizens Defense League. He wants more spending cuts in the state budget. He would like to see armed teachers in class rooms. West Virginia needs to end "gun free zones", He is for Medical Marijuana. for more go to

Republican: Delegate Zack Maynard created two pieces of legislation this past session. To exempt veterans from property tax and regarding natural gas taxes. He has a business degree from WVU Tech (go golden bears!) He is a member of the NRA, West Virginians for life, the Lincoln county economic development authority and the farm bureau. His facebook page says he is Pro-life, Pro-gun and Pro-coal. He was endorsed by the West Virginians for life, the West Virginia Coal Association, the WV citizens defense league, the NRA, and endorsed by the AFL CIO in the primary.

Independent: Delegate Jeff Eldridge is a Social Worker, who has earned degrees from Marshall University. This past session he has sponsored legislation to make the bible the official book of West Virginia, to exempt social security benefits from income tax, and to aide the Hemp industry in WV. In 2009 he wanted to make selling Barbie dolls in WV illegal. Eldridge was a Democrat, until recently when he lost a primary race for Lincoln county commission in May. He then switched to Independent so he could run in the general election as an Independent.

My advice: DON'T VOTE FOR THE INDEPENDENT! There is a blinking red light. Please vote for the Democrats.

West Virginia House of Delegates District 27

Democrat: Carol Bailey is a retired teacher. She has been endorsed by AFT and AFL CIO for the general election. You can find out more on her facebook page.

Democrat: Phoebe Meadows has been endorsed by AFT, Building and construction trades union, and the AFL CIO for the general election. She is also a teacher.

Democrat: Lacy Watson I have met personally, and can tell you I thought he was a nice guy. He has been endorsed by AFT and the AFL CIO for the general election.

Republican: Delegate Joe Ellington Jr. sponsored legislation to allow persons other than nurses to administer medications. Delegate Ellington is a Doctor. It does not appear that Delegate Ellington has a campaign website.

Republican: Eric Porterfield is for "right to work", he is anti choice, he is pro traditional family ( I interpret that as anti homosexual, though I could be wrong), anti prevailing wage. He wants to ease regulations on coal and natural gas. He is a preacher. He says tougher laws are whats needed to solve the opioid crisis. See more here,

Republican: Delegate John Shott sponsored legislation that would hurt weekend pay for school service personnel HB4231, he also sponsored legislation to modify misdeamenor bail requirements (good job!), He has received donations from the oil and gas industry, we know that because of the incident where he had Lisa Lucas removed from the House of Delegates chamber because she was pointing out that many legislaters receive funding from the Coal/gas industries. Delegate Shott is a lawyer, served on the Mercer board of education, served on many boards and committees outside the House of Delegates. I found much of this information on the Delegates facebook campaign page.


Mountain: Karen White I couldn't find a thing, other than she is running.

My advice: Vote for the Democrats. Simply being in the Mountain party is not worth your vote.

West Virginia House of Delegates District 31

Democrat: Rick Snuffer II has been endorsed by the AFL CIO and AFT for the general election.

Republican: Christopher Toney I was unable to find much information.

Libertarian: Carlos Walker restores classic cars. Refuses to accept endorsements. He wants to reduce state spending. He wants to repeal regulations. He wants to legalize cannabis. He does not support funding PEIA with taxpayer money. He is as true a Libertarian as I have ever seen. For more, go to

My advice: Vote for Rick Snuffer

West Virginia House of Delegates District 32

Democrat: Melvin Kessler has been endorsed by the AFL CIO and AFT for the general election. He has been a delegate before. I have met Mr. Kessler at a protest outside the offices of Senator Capito and Congressman Jenkins office. We were protesting that day for many reasons, but one was that the US Congress could work to pass a tax reduction for the wealthy, but hadn't re-certified the CHIP program yet.

Democrat: Luke Lively has been endorsed by the AFL CIO and AFT for the general election. He has worked for Alpha Natural Resources, and the department of agriculture before. He currently works for century 21. He believes that additional revenue could be raised by taxing tobacco at a higher rate. Look him up on his facebook page.

Democrat: Margeret Staggers has been endorsed by the AFL CIO and AFT for the general election. She is a Doctor and a former Delegate. She is against the constitutional amendment on the November ballot, but is also pro-life. She is against sports betting. Look her up on her facebook page.

Republican: Delegate Tom Fast believes that President Obama gives out secret Muslim hand signals. Thats unreal. For more go to

Republican: Austin Haynes was born in 1997. He is a insurance agent. He is endorsed by West Virginians for life. He is very pro gun and does not believe that bump stocks should be banned. He has previously received an A rating from the NRA. For more go to or search for his campaign facebook page.

Republican: Delegate Kayla Kessinger created legislation to prohibit state funding of abortions. She is a member of West Virginians for life, Friends of Coal, Fayette county republican executive committee. She was endorsed by the NRA, WV Citizens Defense League, and the farm bureau during the primary election. For more, go to or search for her on facebook.

Mountain: David Pritt is a Air Force veteran. He is a student at Concord University. He is for the legalization of recreational Marijuana. He supports the "Black Lives Matter" message. He wants to repeal right to work. He supports the LGBTQ community. He supports health care for all. He is as liberal a candidate as you are likely to see. For more, go to 

My advice: I'd make David Pritt, the Mountain Party candidate my number one vote. I'd also vote for Mr. Kessler and Mr. Lively. 

West Virginia House of Delegates District 39

Democrat: David Holmes has been endorsed by the AFL CIO, building and construction trades, International Union of Operating Engineers, Professional Fire Fighters of WV, UMWA, WV CWA, WVEA, WVSSPA, WV Sheriffs Association and AFT for the general election. He wants an annual 3 percent pay raise for Teachers and State employees. He wants to fully fund PEIA. He wants to repeal right to work. He wants to re-instate prevailing wage. He is a member of the NRA, the WV Citizen Defense League, the WV rifle and pistol association. He is opposed to logging in state parks. For more, go to

Republican: Delegate Sharon Malcom doesn't have any sponsored legislation listed. Look for yourself. She was appointed to her seat on March 23, 2018. She has a campaign page on facebook, but it doesnt say much.

Independent: Dana Ferrell is anti choice, pro 2nd amendment. He has a masters degree from Marshall University. For more go to

Mountain: Jesse Johnson. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any information.

My advice: The choice is clear. Vote for the Democrat David Holmes! Sissonville is where I grew up. I hope they agree with my assessment.

West Virginia House of Delegates District 44

Democrat: Delegate Dana Lynch has been endorsed by the AFL CIO and AFT for the general election. This past session he sponsored legislation to teachers pensions from income tax. He has been President of the following: Little League Football, Webster Springs Volunteer Fire Department, Webster County Fair Board of Directors, Nicholas Shrine Club, Nicholas Motor Corps Association of West Virginia Assessors and the West Virginia Association of County Officials; Member, American Legion Post #62; Member, Richwood Moose Lodge #770; Member, Masonic Lodge #116; Member, Beni Kedem Shrine; Member, Scottish Rite Bodies. 

Republican: Caleb Hanna is 17 according to his facebook campaign page. 

Mountain: Barbara Daniels has a Bachelors of Science in Soil resource management from U.C. Berkeley. She wants to secure our voting systems and she wants to keep WV wild and wonderful. For more go to 

My advice: Vote for the Democrat Dana Lynch. 

West Virginia House of Delegates District 48

Democrat: Robert Garcia has been endorsed by the AFL CIO and AFT for the general election. 

Democrat: Delegate Richard Iaquinta has been endorsed by the AFL CIO and AFT for the general election. Education B.S., Fairmont State University; M.S.E.,West Virginia University affiliations ; Knights of Columbus; Sons of Italy; Immaculate Conception Church Alter Server; Greater Clarksburg 10K Race Official; WI Middle School Football Volunteer; WVEA; Harrison County Retired Teachers Association; NEA; Veterans of Foreign Wars, Post 73; American Legion, Post 13 Other Public Service YMCA Basketball; Mountain State 22. He is also an Army veteran. For more, go to

Democrat: Derek McIntyre has been endorsed by the AFL CIO, WVSSPA and AFT for the general election.

Democrat: Delegate Tim Miley has been endorsed by the AFL CIO and AFT for the general election. He is also a promoter of eliminating taxes on social security benefits. Education B.B.A., (Finance), Southern Methodist University; J.D., Duquesne University Affiliations Member, West Virginia State Bar; Harrison County Bar Association; West Virginia Association for Justice; American Association for Justice; Harrison County Chamber of Commerce Delegate Miley is currently the Minority leader in the House of Delegates. He stood with the CWA workers during their recent struggles for job security. He fought for teachers and state employees this past legislative session. For more, go to

Republican: Delegate Danny Hamrick sponsored the bill to "Exempt the consumer sales and service tax and use tax for services for the repair, remodeling and maintenance of certain aircraft."  Its the one piece of silly legislation that has had memes created in honor of it. 
For more, go to

Republican: Delegate Ben Queen is a photographer and currently attends WVU. He was born in 1995. I don't see that he has sponsored any legislation in the past session. See for yourself  You can search on facebook for further positions he has taken, but I didn't see any. 

Republican: Debra Shrieves has a campaign page on facebook, but it just has pictures of her standing in front of an America flag.

Republican: Terry Waxman has a website you can check out, I think I can sum it up for her. She believes in God and lower taxes.

Libertarian: Will Hyman is for the legalization of recreational marijuana. He is for reducing the size of the West Virginia state government. For more, go to

No Affiliation: Clay Riley, I found no information. 

My advice: Vote for the Democrats.

West Virginia House of Delegates District 50

Democrat: Michael Angelucci has been endorsed by the AFL CIO and AFT for the general election. He is an EMT. For more go to 

Democrat: Delegate Mike Caputo has been endorsed by the AFL CIO and AFT for the general election. I can tell you that some of my favorite speeches on "Legislature today" were given by Mike Caputo. 

Democrat: Delegate Linda Longstreth has been endorsed by the AFL CIO and AFT for the general election.

Republican: Phillip Mallow is for less regulation and lower taxes. He has a website, but when you click on the issues icon, nothing happens. I didn't find a facebook page either. He does say that we need to fight President Obama's war on coal. Someone should tell him that Obama is no longer our President.

Republican: Delegate Guy Ward sponsored legislation that would give towns the opportunity to tax beer, to increase the penalty for wearing a mask while committing a crime. Affiliations Fairmont Rotary; White Hall Kiwanis; Fairmont Lions; West Virginia Three Rivers Festival; Marion County Historical Society; Valley Falls State Park Foundation; Woodlawn Cemetery; Marion County CVB; Region VI Planning and Development He states on his facebook campaign page that he supported teachers from the beginning, and rebelled against his own party. 

For more, go to

Independent: John Dodds supports the legalization of Medical Marijuana. He wants all police officers to wear body cameras. For more go to

My advice: Vote for the Democrats. 

West Virginia House of Delegates District 53

Democrat: Cory Chase has been endorsed by the AFL CIO and AFT for the general election. He is a small business owner. He graduated from WVU with a Bachelors degree in Liberal Arts. Cory currently serves on three boards in the area: New Davis Renaissance Group (Treasurer), Blackwater Bicycle Association (Treasurer), and Tucker County Development Authority (Board Member).  
He is against for profit prisons, he is for a single payer health care system, he wants a pay raise for all public employees, he is for industrial hemp. For more, go to

Republican: Delegate Buck Jennings sponsored legislation that would "Provide no requirement to perform or host a marriage ceremony that does not conform to sincerely held religious beliefs" HB 4010. 
His facebook page is almost empty. For more, go to

Libertarian: Austin Zuchowski wants to fight for a flexible curriculum for teachers, a conservative budget, and do away with licensing restrictions. Those are his words on his facebook page. That's what I could find. 

My advice: Vote for the Democrat Cory Chase.

West Virginia House of Delegates District 58

Democrat: Bibi Hahn has been endorsed by the AFL CIO and AFT for the general election. She is against the Trans Canada/Mountaineer Gas Potomac pipeline project. She is for Recreational Marijuana. Increase taxes on the wealthy. Pay teachers better than neighboring states. See her facebook page for more.

Republican: Darryl Cowles is in favor of the Trans Canada/Mountaineer Gas Potomac pipeline project.  For more, go to 

Independent: Kent McCumbee doesn't appear to have a campaign online presence.

My advice: Vote for the Democrat, Bibi Hahn

West Virginia House of Delegates District 63

Democrat: Sam Brown has been endorsed by the AFL CIO, the WVEA, WVSSPA, UMWA, AFT and many more for the general election. He graduated from Shepherd University with a BS in Political Science. He wants to reduce the natural gas tax. He wants to eliminate the business inventory tax. He wants to increase teacher pay to compete with the surrounding states. For more, go to

Republican: John Hardy is a U.S. Army veteran. He is a small business owner. He wants to eliminate taxes on Social Security and retirement income. He also wants to get rid of the inventory tax. He wants pay raises for teachers. He wants to open up options for federal health insurers (is he talking about Obamacare?) He is pro life. He is a member of the NRA and the WV Citizens Defense League. For more, go to  

Libertarian: Brett Rogers facebook page doesn't say much. 

My advice: I don't know. No to the Libertarian is all I can say for sure. 

Thursday, August 9, 2018


     On May the 8th, West Virginia held its primary election. I was a candidate that night. The Democratic primary for West Virginia's two delegate seats from the 42nd district was a race that West Virginians can be proud of. In our race, we brought up problems West Virginians face (the opioid crisis, the teacher strike, lack of leadership in the state legislature, lack of revenue for the state, the banking issues within the medical marijuana bill, etc. etc.), and presented our solutions to those problems. Often, any one of the candidates would bring up ideas, and the others would voice support for that idea. If we disagreed, we did so civilly. The respectful and friendly democratic primary race for delegate was exactly what West Virginia should have in all elections. I'm proud to have taken part.

     I lost the May 8th election. The two candidates that won are  now the Democratic nominees that I will gladly vote for in November. I wanted to write this blog about one of the nominees that ran the kind of progressive campaign that I can support whole heatedly, Cindy Lavender-Bowe. 

     Cindy is a small business owner, former teacher and a mother. She comes from a family of coal miners, electricians and nurses. She has her Masters degree in leadership studies from Marshall University. She was endorsed by the Working families party, the WV School Service Personnel Association Political Action Committee, the WVEA, the AFL-CIO and the UMWA. 

     Most of that you can find on her web page, Now, I want to tell you about the Cindy that I got to know on the campaign trail. If elected, Cindy will be the kind of delegate that will stand up for the working class of West Virginia. I know, because she has already done it. She stood with teachers on the picket line here in Greenbrier county, WV. She was speaking out for better pay and insurance for our teachers and state employees. West Virginia has a teacher shortage of over 700, because teachers and state employees often find better paying jobs working out of state. The hard won pay increase grudgingly approved by the state legislature is a step in the right direction to correcting the shortages. If elected, Cindy will continue the fight to help the working class of West Virginia.

     Cindy will be the kind of leader that will make the hard choices, not because they are popular, but because that's what leaders do. I know, because she has already proven she will make the hard choice of speaking truth to power. She received an F rating from the NRA because she had the courage to tell the truth. There is room for the second amendment and common sense interventions meant to save lives. 

     Cindy will be the kind of stateswoman that can bring people together to achieve a common goal. I know, because I've seen it. She held a get out the vote rally the day before and the day of the primary election, and invited all of the Democratic candidates. She wanted us all to bring as much enthusiasm that we could muster for the election. She knows that when more people participate in elections, the better the outcome for the citizens of our state. It worked too. The Greenbrier county levy passed with flying colors. Maybe her "Get out the vote rally" helped. She also held an election night meeting of the Democratic candidates, because she knew that no matter who won, we had to stick together. 

     Cindy will be the kind of Delegate who will care about families and children. I know, because she was a big supporter and promoter of the Greenbrier county school levy. Had the school levy not passed, teachers would have lost jobs, children would have lost out on art and music programs, school security would have suffered, etc. etc. 

     Cindy will be the kind of Delegate that actually cares about combating the Opioid crisis. I know, because I've heard her speak on this subject. She attended and spoke at the pro Marijuana rally because Cindy knows that West Virginia needs to change in order to overcome the opioid crisis. I heard her speak about her extended family's struggle with drug addiction. Its not just a problem that she reads about in the paper. She understands what other families are going through. Cindy will act to save lives by creating and supporting legislation to combat the opioid crisis. 

     Cindy will be the kind of Delegate that will speak up for the downtrodden. I know, because she has already done so. Cindy has spoken about the need to shift the tax burden from working class West Virginians to the corporations and the wealthy. Cindy joined the march through the streets of Lewisburg on Martin Luther King day in celebration of the reverend and his life's mission to promote equality and combat poverty. Doctor Martin Luther King's message is just as important today as ever. I'm glad we have a Democratic nominee who supports that message.

     On April 18th, there was a candidates forum for all candidates from both parties in the Delegate race. This is the web address to see all the questions and answers:

     I will share with you here though, the questions and Cindy's answers. 

“What qualifications do you have that will enable you to successfully represent your constituents if elected?”

Bowe (House-D): “As a former middle school teacher, and I have a teenager at home, I think I’m pretty equipped at wrangling knuckleheads. Seriously, I’m a hard worker, I’m passionate, I am passionate about West Virginia and the people. The only reason that I’m running is to be a voice for those people, the people that no one else is fighting for. Not the millionaires, not the out-of-state corporations, not special interests. I will not be beholden to anyone but you.”

“What new sources of revenue would you consider to be the best way to make West Virginia more solvent?” 

Bowe (House-D): “I believe we need to start with shifting the burden from the working families to the corporations. That means increasing severance taxes on extraction industries, and increasing the corporate tax which was decreased several years ago. It did not bring the jobs that we were promised it would bring… We are an agricultural area. Elsewhere in the state we have the side effect of mountaintop removals, and that’s the perfect place to grow cannabis and hemp. I think that could be a brand new source of revenue for our state.”

“What long term funding sources for PEIA would you support?”

Bowe (House-D): “I’d like to see what the PEIA task force comes up with and react accordingly, but I want to make this clear, I think that any long term solution to funding PEIA has to be at the benefit of the public employees and not the insurance industries. For too long West Virginia legislators have been in the pockets of big business, and we’ve got to change that… We can increase some of these taxes that aren’t going to drive business away.”

“Can you explain why you identify with the political party you have affiliated yourself with? Please no mention of the opposing party in your answer."

Bowe (House-D): “I identify with the democratic party because to me, the democratic party has always been the party that fights for working families. That is at the core of who I am. The democratic party is also the party, I believe, that works for progress… It’s about the future and thinking forward.”

“What is your feeling and position on imminent domain and the pipeline going through our districts?”

Bowe: (House-D): “Imminent domain is necessary… however, in this particular instance with the MVP pipeline I don’t believe it should have been applied here.”

“In view of the economic state of West Virginia, plus the opioid addiction problem and the lack of organic and holistic healing medicines, what is your position on the way the House of Delegates handled Bill 4345, the medical marijuana bill? Would you try to make a reform pro or con?" 

Each candidate explained their support of the bill, except for Hill, who is against the smoking aspect of the medicinal marijuana but not other forms, and Utterback, who said he didn’t have enough information to make a decision.

Again, you can find more answers from each of the candidates at the following web address, where I got the above information:

     Its a rare issue where I find myself disagreeing with Cindy. Thats why I whole heartedly support Cindy Lavender-Bowe for Delegate in West Virginia's 42nd district, and look forward to volunteering for her campaign. If you would like to donate to Cindy's campaign, or volunteer, follow the web address here:

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