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Thursday, March 8, 2018



     The Communications Workers of America, in West Virginia, are on strike. I wanted to know what was going on, and why they went on strike, so I went to talk with them today. I went down to Fairlea, here in Greenbrier county, where they have their picket line, and here is what they told me. They like their pay, insurance is good, but since Frontier has taken over from Verizon in 2010, Frontier has eliminated 500 jobs in West Virginia. The CWA wants job security for its members. Frontier continues to eliminate jobs, and expects more and more out of the remaining workers. So, if you've ever wondered why it may take awhile for Frontier to respond to an issue, there is your answer. In fact, customer complaints regarding Frontier's services have been getting more and more frequent, rising 69 percent over the past three years. If Frontier has it their way, it will only get worse for the citizens of West Virginia. The CWA is striking for job security, and if they get what they want, the citizens of West Virginia will benefit.

     I spoke with my father-in-law, who is a retired member of the CWA, about the current strike. He said these communications companies have been trying for years to go away from union labor, because the companies can pay contracted workers less, and not give them health insurance. The CWA fights for its members, and the communications companies don't like that. Thats why he thinks Frontier has eliminated 500 jobs in West Virginia.

     Also, recently, a contract worker who came in from out of state, pulled a gun on a West Virginia CWA member. The contract workers are, I'm sure, intimidated by the situation, and due to their fear, could do anything. That is a situation West Virginia doesn't need. Frontier needs to provide the job security the CWA wants, so we can end this strike!

     So, what can we, as every day citizens do to help the CWA? If you are driving past the picket lines, give the striking union members a honk of the horn. The positive reinforcement helps. If you want, I'd bet the CWA wouldn't mind if you picketed with them. I would ask first.

     The top one percent keeps on getting more and more of the wealth in our country. It is time for average citizens to stand up and say enough is enough. This far, no farther! We must remain united, support each others unions. (The CWA strikers in Fairlea said that local teachers were showing support, which is fantastic! Good job guys!) We can take our country back from the 1 percent! We have to stick together, and REMEMBER IN NOVEMBER AND VOTE FOR DEMOCRATS! (Voting for me in the May 8th primary would be great too!)

     For further reading on the subject, I encourage you to use the list of web sites below.