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Tuesday, March 7, 2017


     The West Virginia State Senate is considering a bill, Senate Bill 335, which will get rid of the state income tax, and replace it with an increased sales tax, for the purpose of stimulating growth in the state. If this argument sounds familiar, it should. Instituting right to work and repealing prevailing wage was supposed to stimulate growth. So were the 400 million dollars worth of other tax breaks for the wealthy. After all these tax breaks and deregulation, where are the jobs? Wheres all the economic growth for our state? Odd that the economic paradise hasn't happened..........

     If broken promises weren't bad enough, if the income tax is repealed and WV were to have a sales tax alone, that would open up a 600 million dollar revenue gap in the budget. You read that right, a 600 million dollar revenue gap, starting in 2020. As if the budget doesn't have enough problems, the good men and women in the WV Senate are providing more revenue issues. Thanks guys! The Senate was informed of this dire outlook, and weren't phased. They were more optimistic, touting the positive economic impact of repealing the income tax. 

     You may be wondering, "how will this effect me?" Lower wage earners would end up paying more in taxes. To quote the WV gazette article below: "He used the example of a worker making $26,000 a year, who currently pays about $798 a year in sales taxes and $351 in income taxes. Under the switch to the 8 percent consumption tax, that worker would pay $2,095 a year, a net increase of $946." 
     According to the WV PBS legislature today interview below, the income tax repeal would lead to more savings. To paraphrase "if you spend 50 thousand dollars, and save 50 thousand dollars, your only taxed on the 50 thousand you spend." I don't know anybody who saves 50 thousand dollars a year. It sounds to me like this income tax repeal would serve the rich, and not the every day West Virginian. If you make 40 thousand dollars a year, your taxes would increase by 1 thousand dollars a year. If your in the top 1 percent, you would get a tax break. 

  So, in review, repealing the income tax and instituting a sales tax at 8 percent would 1. harm the WV state budget, 2. wouldn't bring growth and prosperity as promised, 3. would increase taxes on the working class and 4. would give a tax break to the richest of us. 

  I'm asking you now to please call your state Senator, using the link on the right to the WV state legislature, and tell them to vote against repealing the income tax, to vote against Senate bill 335.

  I want to say thanks to the WV Gazette-Mail (Phil Kabler articles are pretty great), WV PBS and the first amendment, and the free press.