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Wednesday, February 22, 2017


     Tonight on CNN there will be a debate between the candidates running for the DNC chairperson. The election for the DNC chair will be Saturday, February 25th. I'm sure there are a lot of questions, most important, why should you care?

     1. from the page below "In addition to electing Democrats up and down the ballot, supporting Democratic candidates, legislation and elected officials, the DNC administers the affairs of the Party (such as the presidential nominating process)." The DNC also raises money, hires staff, and coordinates strategy to support candidates throughout the country for local, state, and national office. 2. According to the Democratic party charter and bylaws: ( Section 1. The National Chairperson of the Democratic Party shall carry out the programs and policies of the National Convention and the Democratic National Committee. .......Section 3. The National Chairperson shall preside over meetings of the Democratic National Committee and of the Executive Committee. Section 4. The National Chairperson shall serve full time. In the conduct and management of the affairs and procedures of the Democratic National Committee, particularly as they apply to the preparation and conduct of the Presidential nomination process, the Chairperson shall exercise impartiality and evenhandedness as between the Presidential candidates and campaigns. The Chairperson shall be responsible for ensuring that the national officers and staff of the Democratic National Committee maintain impartiality and evenhandedness during the Democratic Party Presidential nominating process. For more on the DNC chair duties, see the links I have provided. So, the DNC chairman is an important position within the Democratic party, and if their strategy fails, so does the parties. If you are a Democrat, the person filling this position should matter to you, as they will help to determine the direction for the party.

     2. Who is running for the DNC chair? You can read the NPR article below, they have some interviews on that page that you can listen to as well. I'll try to surmise who they are here, and add some additional information and personal opinion.

           A. Tom Perez, former Labor secretary under President Obama. Endorsed by former VP Biden. Great idea that he has : creating a cyber security director for the Democratic party. Seems like a great idea, and why didnt the Democratic party already have one. Also says what any politician should say, that Democrats should work with President Trump on things we agree on, and oppose President Trump where we disagree. Negative: it doesnt look like the former secretary has ever held a position in a state legislature or the US Congress. That expierence would help, I think. For more: and

           B. Congressman Ellison from Minnesota. Believes he can increase voter turnout. He has served in the Minnesota state house as well as the US congress. Endorsed by Senator Sanders. Negative: According to the DNC though, the chairman position is a full time position, so being both Congressman and the DNC chair questions his availability. True, Congressman Schultz did both at the same time, but the Democrats lost the White House, the Senate and House of Representatives under her leadership. Theres no way to say the same thing would happen, and the losses were not ofcourse Congresswoman Schultz's fault entirley, but wouldnt it be beneficial to have a full time DNC chairman? For more see or

           C. Jaime Harrison, the South Carolina Party Chair. Believes the Democrats should focus on the state level politics, and follow in Howard Deans footsteps. Has an inspiring story that is touched on in the NPR article. Endorsements: Senator Chuck Schumer. Negative: the South Carolina State Senate is currently held by the Republicans 27 to 18. The South Carolina house of representatives is currently held by the Republicans 79 to 44. The Governor of South Carolina is also a Republican. Mr. Harrison would make a stronger case if his state house was run by Democrats. Maybe I'm being to hard on him though, after all, its not just him running against the Republicans in South Carolina. (See for more)  For More see  or

           D. Mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend, Indiana. Officer in the U.S. Navy, and served in Afghanistan. The Democrats must start at state level politics, and focus on what the Democrats are for, not just what Democrats are against. Big name Endorsements: former Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley, former Pennsylvania Governor/DNC chairman Ed Rendell, former Ohio Governor Ted Strickland, former Vermont Governor/DNC chairman Howard Dean. Negative: lost the Indiana state Treasurer election in 2010. The mayor would have a stronger case if he had proved he could win a state wide election in a red state. For more see  

           E. Sally Brown, the executive director of the Idaho Democratic party. The Democratic party should focus on local elections. No Big name endorsements. Negatives: the Idaho state Senate is controlled by the Republicans 29 to six and the House is controlled by the Republicans 59 to 11. The Governor of Idaho is also a Republican. Maybe I'm being to hard on her though, after all, its not just her running against the Republicans in Idaho.  (For more see She was the campaign manager for a state representative in Idaho, and won. I cant find where she has run for anything herself. For more see ( or (

           F. Jehmu Green, Former President of Rock the vote (while under her leadership 1.4 million additional people were registered to vote), FOX news analyst, former executive director of the Texas young Democrats. Wants to get rid of Super delegates. According to the Fox news link, she has worked on multiple campaigns, including former Texas Governor Ann Richards campaign in 1994, which was unsuccsesful. She has also worked at the DNC. For more see ( or (
      3. Who can vote? Democratic national committee members, of which there are 447. State party chairs and vice chairs, Democratic groups are represented, as well as others. Heres a list of the people who can vote, according to Vox. (  

     4. What can the average citizen do about the DNC chair election?  A. If you happen to be lucky enough to have your elected representative on the list of voters, then you can lobby them for your pick. B. You can watch the debate tonight on CNN at 10 eastern. I wish there was more that the average citizen could do.

Thanks again to all my sources including NPR, CNN, VOX, the hill, FOX news, Huffington post, Idaho statesman, ballotpedia, USA today and biography. I dont have a favorite in the DNC chairperson race, so I'll definitely be watching the debate. Thanks for reading!

Thursday, February 16, 2017


     I may have faith in the American system of government after all, maybe. Throughout the election and the first month of the Trump administration, the story about the Trump-Putin connection has been picking up traction. 1. The CIA has concluded that the Russians tried to help Candidate Trump become President Trump in the 2016 election (  2. The constant contact between the Russians and the Trump administration/campaign (see, 3. the dossier (see  and 4. the recent discussions Flynn had with the Russian Ambassador about the American imposed Russian sanctions, and then lied to the VP, the chief of staff, the press secretary and most importantly, the FBI (see A bipartisan group of statesmen (congratulations, you all have been promoted) have had enough. This group of American heroes have introduced "The Russia Sanctions Review Act" would give the US Congress the ability to veto any effort President Trump makes to repeal sanctions on Russia. I cant tell you how important this is. This is a first step in protecting our nation from President Trump, who potentially owes favors to Vladimir Putin. I urge you to call your congressman and your Senators, ask them to support "The Russia Sanctions Review Act." You can go to the links in the right hand column found on this website to find your congressman's phone number, and your Senators phone numbers. Thank you.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017


     American President Donald Trump's affinity for Vladimir Putin is a strange thing, (maybe due to treasonous activities, maybe we'll find out soon), but he's not the only prominent western political figure to feel this way. In France there is a Presidential election coming up, and Putin has a fan in the right wing populist Marine Le Pen. Its an odd thing to me that she would have any political support at all. European unity in the face of Russian aggression has secured Europe from attack for decades. Why would anyone want to disband the EU now, or at any time is an odd thing indeed. So, to answer that question, I thought I'd do a quick review of who these individuals are, and what they stand for.

     In France, the election is to be held on April 23rd and May 7th. They have a two part election, which you can read more about in the Telegraph article below. There are favorites to win of course and right now, Marine Le Pen is polling at 26% in the first round, which is enough to send her on to the second and final round. The polling says that she will be easily beaten by either Emmanuel Macron or Francois Fillon in the final round, but if you paid attention to the American presidential election, you know that polling can be wrong. So, why should France, Europe and the world be concerned about a possible President Le Pen? Lets take a look.....
     I've translated her website to English via my computer as I'm not that cool, and can't speak French. Yo hablo un pequeno Espanol, pero no frances. Thanks Duolingo! Anyway, I'm getting off topic. Under the "my project" tab on her website is a list of issues that she supports:

1. She wants a referendum of Frances membership within the European Union. If you've been following Brexit, you've seen how the Pound has fallen from being worth a $1.48 on 6/23/16 to $1.25 today on 2/14/17. You'll notice that 6/23/16 was the Brexit referendum date. Also, Britain lost its AAA credit rating, and directly after the vote, Brexit wiped out 3 trillion dollars. That's a lot of money, and for more read the money CNN article below (its from June 2016) and the BBC business article from January. Seems like a bad idea. Wouldn't it be wiser to at least see how things work out all the way for the U.K. before France plunges ahead with a French Exit? So why the rush?

2. She wants to leave NATO. That's point 118, and pretty scary. Oh don't worry though, she wants to increase military spending from 2 percent to 3 percent, because that will make up for no longer being partners with the USA anymore in NATO.

3. So why is Marine Le Pen so bent on leaving the EU and NATO? Hmmm.....A. her party has borrowed money from the first Czech-Russian bank in Moscow (with links to the Kremlin) after EU sanctions were put in place, does that equate to Putin funding her party? I'll leave that to you to decide. For more see the Time article below. B. Shes okay with Russia just waltzing in and taking Crimea away from the Ukraine. See the Independent article below. C. She has called for sanctions against the Kremlin over Russia's invasion of the Ukraine to be done away with D. She denies that Russia hacked the 2016 US election. E. She has called Vladimir Putin "a Bulwark for traditional European values."

4. Conclusion: Marine Le Pen has been bought and paid for by Vladimir Putin. I hope that the French have more sense than my fellow Americans did. We've elected President Trump***, and now we're wondering how much classified information has already been given to Putin from his puppets in the White House, Trump and General Flynn. With President Trumps*** world view, we've already shrunk back from being a world leader by pulling out of TPP and ceding leadership in the Pacific to China. Now he wants us to get out of NAFTA, which will hurt our economy and world relations even more. America shrinking from the world stage doesn't benefit America, it benefits Putin's Russia. Please, France, learn from America's mistake, don't vote for the right wing Populist Marine Le Pen.

Saturday, February 11, 2017


         America's new President Trump*** wants to foster a closer relationship with Vladimir Putin's Russia. There are some citizens in America, and around the world who would welcome that alliance. "Having a good relationship with Russia is a good thing, not a bad thing. Only 'stupid' people, or fools, would think that it is bad, We have enough problems around the world without yet another one. When I am President, Russia will respect us far more than they do now and both countries will, perhaps, work together to solve some of the many great and pressing problems and issues of the WORLD!" Trump tweeted. Allow me to explain why having a "good relationship with Russia" is a bad thing. 
     First, lets start with a little history of recent Russian excursions around the world:

Russia Invades Georgia in 2008 - "During the five-day conflict, 170 servicemen, 14 policemen, and 228 civilians from Georgia were killed and 1,747 wounded."- CNN

Russia Annexes the Crimea from the Ukraine in 2014. Which violated the UN charter, the declaration of principles of international law of 1970, the agreement of friendship between Russia and the Ukraine, and the Budapest memorandom of 1994. For more, go to which is a link I found from CNN.

Russia undermines Ukraine - 1. "In 2004, Putin supported Viktor Yanukovych for Ukraine's President. The Opposition candidate Viktor Yushchenko develops a mysterious illness which leaves his face pock-marked. Medical tests later show he is suffering from dioxin poisoning." -CNN In 2014 2. "Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 crashes in eastern Ukraine after being shot down by a surface-to-air missile, according to the United States. All 298 people aboard are killed." - CNN 3. "At least 7,962 deaths have been confirmed in eastern Ukraine since April 2014, among government forces, pro-Russia rebels and civilians. At least 17,811 others have been injured, it said." - LA Times. This list in Ukraine is just a very quick look at Putins interference in that country. 

Russia Bombs SyriaRussia's campaign in Syria "has killed no less than 2,704 civilians including 746 children and 514 women." Which is more than ISIS. - Business Insider.

     Second, lets look at how Vladimir Putin treats his own people: 

Putin Assassinates political opposition in Russia - For more, see the New York Times web address below. Its a bit scary.

Russia has fraudulent elections- In 2000, Putin won the election with 53% of the vote, seems legit. Then in 2004 he won with 72% of the vote. I call BS. The biggest landslides in US Presidential election history barely tops 60%. In 2008, Putins friend. Medvedev wins with 71% and Putin becomes Prime Minister, anybody else see a problem? In 2012 Putin runs for President again, and wins 64% of the vote. "The data imply that ballots were being stuffed in a particularly lazy and noticeable way, though of course they cannot prove it." - The economist. In the 2016 election a data analyst states “the scope of the falsification in favor of United Russia in these elections amounted to approximately 12 million votes.” - See The Atlantic article below.

Putin Steals from his people- One estimate is that Putin has 200 billion dollars from stealing money from his people. See the Business Insider article below. The PBS article below estimates that Putin is worth 40 billion dollars. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but I dont think Vladimir Putin invented the I-phone, I dont think he owns Manchester United and I'd bet he didnt inherit a Diamond mine. So where did this money come from? It doesnt take much imagination to figure it out.

Putin was a Officer in the KGB- See the Bio article below.

Putin Set up his own secret police- See the economist article below. The FSB is really just the KGB, except now, the FSB is the power in Russia. "The security servicemen present themselves as a tight brotherhood entitled to break any laws for the sake of their mission." "Russia's security services are entitled to deal ruthlessly with enemies of the state, wherever they may be, has gained wide acceptance and is supported by a new set of laws. "

Russians dont have freedom of the press - "After Putin came into power in 2000, he established control over the three main TV stations. In 2001 and 2002, he took control of the two biggest TV channels, ORT (now First Channel) and NTV. The state broadcaster, RTR (now Rossiya 1), was already under his control." -The huffington Post article. Its much more frightening than just that. Read the full article. "Since Putin came to power, 25 journalists were killed for work-related reasons." see the Chicago Tribune article below.

     Third, how has Russia treated America in just this last election cycle:

Russia Interferes with American election 2015 through 2016 - "The US government publicly announced in October that it was "confident" Russia orchestrated the hacking of the Democratic National Committee and other political organizations of the Democratic Party." -CNN. "the CIA announced to a group of top US senators its latest finding: that Russia's hacks were aimed at helping Trump." -CNN

     So, as we have established, Vladimir Putin's Russia is not a country to be friends with. A closer alliance with them is likely to lead to more interference here in the states, and undermine our alliances around the world. Its also not likely to end with the results that President Trump*** believes it will (America would team up with Mr Putin to destroy “radical Islamic terror”—and in particular, Islamic State. At the same time Russia might agree to abandon its collaboration with Iran, an old enemy for America in the Middle East and a threat to its allies, including Bahrain and Saudi Arabia. In Europe Russia would stop fomenting conflict in Ukraine, agree not to harass NATO members on its doorstep and, possibly, enter nuclear-arms-control talks. In the longer term, closer ties with Russia could also help curb Chinese expansion. Stephen Bannon, Mr Trump’s most alarming adviser, said last year that he had “no doubt” that “we’re going to war in the South China Sea in five to ten years.” If so, America will need allies, and Russia is a nuclear power with a 4,200km (2,600-mile) border with China. Putins price for working with America could be to secure a permanent Russian military presence in the Middle East by propping up Bashar al-Assad, whose regime was revealed this week to have hanged thousands of Syrians after two- or three-minute trials. Russia is not going to team up with the USA against Iran, they've been friends for a long time, and I dont think Russia is willing to actually risk war with China. For more see the Economist article below. In fact, you should subscribe to the Economist.) So, why then, is President Trump*** so bent on making this friendship happen? I don't know for sure, but there is speculation.....    

     Putin Has embarrassing secrets about President Trump*** January 2017 - According to unconfirmed sources Russia’s FSB spy agency obtained compromising material on video of President Trump*** in lewd acts. Which may put Putin in a place to blackmail Trump, according to a quote in the article from the Guardian below. "The claims about Trump are ultimately unknowable and what happened inside the Ritz Carlton is a matter of speculation." - The Guardian.  "The dossier says that Trump was offered “various sweetener business deals” by the Kremlin, but turned them down. The Kremlin also supplied Trump with “a regular flow of intelligence”, including on the Democrats and other political rivals." - The Guardian. "The dossier claims there is an “extensive conspiracy” between Trump’s campaign team and the Kremlin. The plot was sanctioned at the “highest level” and involved Russian diplomatic staff based in the US. It adds that Russia was behind the hack of Democratic National Committee (DNC) emails and released them to WikiLeaks for reasons of “plausible deniability”. The dossier says information went in both directions: Trump’s team used moles within the DNC as well as hackers in the US and Russia. The report claims that the Trump campaign fed back to Moscow details on Russian oligarchs living in the US and their families." - The Guardian. "The Dossier says that in return for hacking the Democrats, Trump agreed not to mention Russia’s covert invasion of Ukraine. The issued would be “sidelined”. Instead, Trump would focus on US/Nato defence commitments in the Baltics and eastern Europe. The aim: “to deflect attention away from Ukraine, a priority for PUTIN who needed to cauterise the subject”. - The Guardian. See the Guardian article below for more details. As I've said, this is an UNCONFIRMED source.

     Working with a foreign government, for political and monetary that treason? According to Cornell Universities website, "Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason." I'll leave the interpretation to you. Again, I'm no lawyer. As, I've said, these claims are not proven. Its been proven that some of the conversations happened, see the CNN article below. But not more than that. Lets hope that someone in high government office doesnt interfere with the investigation, and we eventually arrive at the truth. 

     I hope thats not the reason President Trump*** wants a closer relationship with Russia. Like Presidents before Trump, lets hope he is just naive. President George W. Bush and Barack Obama thought they could work with Putin too...then he invaded Georgia and Ukraine and supports a dictator in Syria as well as all the other things I have listed above. 

     So, I hope I have convinced you that Russia is not a nation to be friends with (by becoming Putins ally, he may end up with more influence here in the states, which as we've established is a terrible thing. Look out for Russian owned news stations polluting Americans opinions with pro Putin ideals, like those listed above.), that no "deal" made between Putin and Trump will be honored (think Crimea/Ukraine/Syria), or good for the USA(damages allies by weakening NATO, strengthening Assad and Iran). Putin is a leader to be opposed. The Anti-American leader of the not so free world. 

P.S. Thanks once again to the First Amendment for "freedom of the Press and speech." Also, thanks to the news outlets for this information. Heres to you at the economist, the guardian, CNN, huffington post, pbs, business insider, the Atlantic, the New York times, the LA times, Chicago Tribune, and to Cornell Law, biography, and wikipedia. By supporting a free press, we support democracy. Consider subscribing to one of these news outlets.

P.S.S. Again, I'm not an expert of any sort. Just an American citizen who is concerned about where our nation is headed. I'm not a lawyer or politician. These are my opinions based not solely on the news articles listed.

Monday, February 6, 2017


     On January 27th, 2017, President Trump*** issued an executive order banning individuals from seven Muslim majority countries from entering the United States, due to security concerns. See the web address below to read the executive order. The order specifically says the purpose is to prevent 9/11 attacks.  "Section 1.  Purpose.  The visa-issuance process plays a crucial role in detecting individuals with terrorist ties and stopping them from entering the United States.  Perhaps in no instance was that more apparent than the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, when State Department policy prevented consular officers from properly scrutinizing the visa applications of several of the 19 foreign nationals who went on to murder nearly 3,000 Americans.  And while the visa-issuance process was reviewed and amended after the September 11 attacks to better detect would-be terrorists from receiving visas, these measures did not stop attacks by foreign nationals who were admitted to the United States." Which it fails at because none of the attackers on 9/11 were from the banned countries. 

     However, thats not what I'm most concerned about. What I'm most concerned about is: (b)  Upon the resumption of USRAP admissions, the Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, is further directed to make changes, to the extent permitted by law, to prioritize refugee claims made by individuals on the basis of religious-based persecution, provided that the religion of the individual is a minority religion in the individual's country of nationality.  Where necessary and appropriate, the Secretaries of State and Homeland Security shall recommend legislation to the President that would assist with such prioritization. As stated previously, the ban effects Muslim Majority countries. So, Christians, Buddhists, Hindus and so on, would be prioritized over Muslims. The first Amendment to the Constitution I think applies here: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances." According to the Cornell University law school (see web address below):  It forbids Congress from both promoting one religion over others and also restricting an individual’s religious practices.

     Now, I'm no lawyer, but this one seems pretty clear to me. The executive order is promoting religions, at the expense of Islam. I can only hope that the reason for the prioritization is due to the administrations belief that Christians are persecuted more by ISIS than Muslims. Thats a mistake. Muslims by far have the most victimized group. (see the NPR article address below.) To be Muslim doesnt save a person from ISIS wrath. Only submission and assimilation into ISIS can do that, maybe. Thats why the USA shouldnt give religion a consideration, the focus should be on vetting. To save a refugee family from these war torn regions of Iraq and Syria in particular, is to prevent individuals from being forced to support ISIS. Think Game of Thrones, Jon Snow saves wildlings to prevent them from becoming White Walkers.  

     I would also say that while the Constitution may not apply outside the USA, so refugees may not be covered by its rights, the Constitution does apply to us, and we should live up to its principles. 

     Right now, on 2/6/17, the ban is lifted, temporarily. It could be put back in place. Thats why its so important for you to make your voice heard by Congress. Congress still has the power to remove the Muslim travel ban if it has to. Thats why I ask you to call your Senators and Congressman, tell them to stand up for religious freedom in our country. To stand up for our Muslim citizens. To stand up for sensible tactics in fighting ISIS. Tell them to speak out against the Muslim Travel ban. If you need to find the number for your representatives in congress, click the two links in the right hand column for the US Senate and the US house of representatives.